louis' birthday

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a/n ok so i just realized the 24th is coming up as im writing this (22nd) i figured i should probably write something for lou's birthday. this will most likely be a lot shorter than the other ones but thats ok cos louis' short and we still love him <3


harry's pov
december is my favourite month of the year. not because of christmas or new years, but because the 24th is louis' birthday. the 24th of december is my favourite day of the year, because it's just louis louis louis all day.

i wake up considerably early and i can hear my love's faint snores from behind me. his arms are still wrapped around my torso loosely. i love waking up before him because he's just so peaceful. during the day, louis is always bouncing around and hyper, but when he's asleep, he looks so tiny and fluffy.

i kiss his forehead gently, as not to wake him, and untangle myself from him. i slip on a random hoodie from the floor and fond over my husband one more time before leaving to go downstairs.

i scan the pantry for the ingredients i need for breakfast. i know louis, and i know he doesn't want anything healthy on his plate. he claims "kale shit" is just a nasty way of making his poop green. i'm not so sure about that but whatever. more kale shit for me.

i pull out everything i need for waffles and get started. while cooking i try to be as quiet as possible so i don't wake louis, i know he's a heavy sleeper in the mornings but i just want to make sure.

i finish the waffles, sprinkle powdered sugar on them and place them on the plates. i set whipped cream, strawberries, blueberries and chocolate chips on the table with the plates of waffles and admire my work. "not too shabby, tomlinson," i whisper proudly to myself.

now that i'm finished i tiptoe upstairs to my love. "good morning, birthday boy," i sit beside louis and gingerly stroke his face while he wakes up. his hair is so fluffy this morning- wot

i hear him groan and turn over, he does this when he's waking up to try and fall back asleep. he's such an ass. but i love him.

"lou, darling it's time to wake up," i play with his hair and kiss his shoulder, he's now on his side with his back to me.

"no," he whines and pulls the blanket up. i sit down with my back against the headboard.

"come on love, 's alright," i pick louis up and set him on my lap. he's sitting perpendicular to me, his legs draped over mine and his head tucked carefully on my shoulder.

"hazza?" he yawns.

"yes, darling?"

"'s m' birthday."

"i know, isn't it great?"

he groans and hugs me. i laugh and hold him tightly.

"i'm gonna assume you made breakfast?"

"yes, darling," i chuckle.

"and now, since it's my birthday, i have the right to make you carry me downstairs," he finally opens his eyes and i kiss his nose.

"i will bring you downstairs, only because it's your birthday - and because i love you, but your birthday happens less often than that," i carefully pick him up bridal style and bring him downstairs. he looks so small right now, he has one of my oversized sweaters on so he's completely drowning in it, a pair of red plaid christmas pj pants and fuzzy socks.

"harry, i swear to fuck if we get downstairs and theres just a bunch of green shit, we're getting a divorce," what a gentleman he is.

i laugh and kiss his head as we reach the kitchen table. "no, love. no green shit."

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