my birthday 🤙🏻

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it's my birthday today ahah (march 24) ive turned the holy age of 14 🤲🏻

lol what

i really wanted to have the long ass chapter out today BUT thats not happening lmfao.

n e ways, since i don't have any larry content to give you i figured i could just put one of the poems i wrote recently in here

so uhm

enjoy my poem ;)
<tw - mentions of mental illness>



it's dark and misty,
six eyes and two voices.
the double-sided demon attacks me,
ripping my soul to shreds.

i try to let it out,
slashing and ripping and scratching.
nothing works,
it still gets stronger everyday.

when i scream for help,
i'm unheard.
when i cry for forgiveness,
i'm stepped on.

the monster is ruining my life.
each maniacal laugh
tearing me away from who i used to be.
i used to be happy.

the monster took me,
while everyone was looking away.
he stole me, tricked me,
terrifies me.

i can't escape anymore,
i'm too far gone.
protect each other,
for the monster only seeks the weak.

the only way to stop it,
is to stop breathing.
let him take me,
and save yourself.

don't let him grasp your soul,
penetrate your brain.
for once he's in, the only escape is death.

maybe if you noticed
you would show me the right path,
help me.
save me from the monster.

but the monster will take me,
because i can't fight it alone.


again i love all of you and i PROMISE the long chapter will be out soon. just schoolwork and mental health kept getting in the way of writing 🙂🖕🏻

and by the way, thank you for 12k reads <3

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