first christmases

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a/n MERRY FUCKING CHRISTMAS (if i released this on christmas, probably not but happy christmas 🎄)

summary: christmas with louis and harry through the years


louis' pov

°first christmas with harry

"hazza!" i shake my boyfriend awake. i love calling him that, we only started dating a couple months ago. "hazza, it's christmas! get out of bed, you lazy-"

"do not finish that sentence," harry warns me in his morning voice.

"good morning!" i kiss his lips and hum. i love kissing harry, i've kissed plenty of people, but every time i kiss him, it's like i'm kissing him for the first time all over again.

"it's christmas! it's christmas! it's CHRISTMAS!" i bounce around on the bed.

"lou," harry smiles and pulls me down to his arms. i snuggle into him take in his scent.

"merry christmas, lou."


"harry, hurry up!" i call as i start putting on my checkered boots. we're going to my mum's for christmas day, and tomorrow we're going to harry's mum's house. this is the first time my sister's are meeting harry, and even though i'm sure they'll love him, harry's a bit nervous.

"coming lou," he yells back. he runs towards the front door wearing a purple hoodie and blue skinnies. he starts flattening down his curls, something he does when he's nervous.

"hazza, babes, your hair looks fine. they're gonna love you," i comfort him and rub his arm. he nods and puts on his matching boots.


"LOUIS!!" phoebe shouts when we walk through, latching herself to my leg. i pat her head while daisy attaches herself to my other leg. i hear harry giggle from behind me.

"lou, why did you get to bring a friend?" phoebe pouts.

before i got to answer, mum came over to help harry and i with the gifts. "hello boys!" she greets warmly. she's the only one who knows harry and i are dating.

"hi," harry says shyly. i squeeze his shoulder lovingly.

"muuuum! who is that?" lottie asks obnoxiously.

"charlotte don't be rude."

"why did louis get to bring a friend? we weren't allowed," lottie complains.

"well when you girls get boyfriends - or girlfriends, then you can also bring them to christmas."

"LOUIS HAS A BOYFRIEND!" lottie exclaims before running over and inspecting harry. fiz must of heard cos she slides over and peeks at harry from behind lottie's shoulder. harry blushes and tries to hide behind me.

"hey, hey, hey, leave him alone! girls!" mum scolds and the girls leave with a fuss, bringing the twins with them.

"lou," harry tugs at my sleeve.

"yes, baby?" i coo.

"i'm scared," he whispers and plays with my hands.

"the scary part is over," i laugh.

he just whines and hugs me. he's still a bit shorter than me, so he easily tucks his nose into the crook of my neck.

i protectively hold him close. "hey, if anything, i love you," his breath hitches and he looks me in the eyes.

"i love you too," he blushes and i fold my arms around my shoulders so i can kiss him deeply, forgetting where we are.

"honestly, get a room," lottie gags.

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