love you goodbye

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a/n right. i was not planning on writing this but i've had this specific chapter planned out for a while and im super stressed rn so i just wanna write. i promise i will get the requests out after this. love you all so much i hope you understand.

also this might be quite sad

summary: louis breaks up with harry so harry can be free.

louis' pov

"louis, i'm giving you 24 hours to break up with harry," simon says sternly. i'm in a dreaded meeting with cowshit at the moment. he's trying to make me break up with my harry. i'm scared, this meeting could change my entire life, and not for the better.

"no," i defy.

"if you don't i'll destroy your entire career, everything you've worked for," he blackmails.

i waste no time hesitating before answering. "ruin my fucking career then, simon. hurt me, trap me, closet me, do anything to me - i don't care. however, if you fucking hurt harry, i will pain you in unimaginable ways."

simon smirks and leans back in his chair. "alright, fine. if you don't break up with harry, then i will ruin his career. i will destroy it, everything he's worked for, all his success, straight down the drain. i will closet him and give him stunts," he threatens. i let out a whimper, and he smiles. "the best part is, i won't fucking hesitate to frame you for everything."


the drive home was eery and terrible. my harry doesn't know what's coming. i love him so much and i could never in a million years live with myself if i saw his career down the drain. if were to see him stressed i would feel pain, knowing i could've prevented it, but i didn't, cos i was selfish.

i pull into the driveway and take a deep breath before heading inside. everything looks the same, so innocent and loving. pictures of us hung on the walls and our shoes scattered at the doorway. we could've been so happy if we never signed to the stupid record label. we could've had a family, we could've been harry and louis forever. unfortunately, that universe isn't the one i'm living in. this is a harsh reality that i have to live with, and be a grownup about it. no matter how much i want to succumb and love harry publicly, it seems so unrealistic and far out of my grasp, i don't ever think it's gonna happen.

i climb the stairs to our bedroom. i walk slow, for two reasons. one, because i'm procrastinating the unavoidable. two, so i can soak up this home. i want to have the images on the walls imprinted in my mind, harry's scent a burning candle in my nostrils and harry's love a secret sensation in my chest. i want all that just for a couple more moments before i ruin it. before i break both of out hearts and give in to the monster. i feel so shitty. i'm making myself forget the best thing that's ever happened to me.

i reach the bedroom door and take a broken breath before twisting the handle and entering. harry is sitting crisscross on the bed, his fingers fiddling with something and his tongue poking out the corner of his mouth in concentration. he's so perfect, just sitting there in grey sweatpants and an oversized hoodie. he is my world, and i'm about to blow it up with a massive meteor.

i fall to my knees and let out a wail, i can't stand seeing him so innocent and cute when i'm about to break his heart.

harry looks up worried and jumps off the bed. "lou love, what's wrong?" he sits in front of me and pulls my broken body into his arms. i sob into his chest. this could be the last time he ever holds me again, the last time he uses a pet name. the last time he'll love me.

"i love you," i whisper. i wish i could tell him this isn't my fault. i'm a puppet with the dream of being free. my puppeteer says some dreams are meant to stay dreams, there's no escaping him.

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