shut up

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a/n i listened to louis' songs for 5 hours straight last night

summary: louis has misophonia and everything just gets too much

'Misophonia is a disorder in which certain sounds trigger emotional or physiological responses that some might perceive as unreasonable given the circumstance. Those who have misophonia might describe it as when a sound "drives you crazy." Their reactions can range from anger and annoyance to panic and the need to flee.'

louis' pov
"THANK YOU, LONDON!" harry yells into the microphone after our show ends. i smile tiredly and wave to the fans as i walk off stage.

i focus on the sound of fans moving around and don't even realize harry's presence beside me.

"lou?" he asks worriedly.

i hum.

harry sighs, "you tired?"

i nod my head and lean on harry as we walk. he puts his arm around my waist and continues talking with the boys. i zone out from the conversation and listen to our footsteps.


we pack out bags and get on the tour bus, were a bit slow leaving the stadium so a huge crowd of fans greets us.

i groan, this means i can't walk with harry.

"don't worry darling, i'm not leaving you," he whispers before walking outside, his arm still around my waist. he holds me tighter when fans try to grab at us. i try to act alive but i'm honestly so tired i could care less.

we reach the tour bus and liam opens the door for us, we all mutter thank you's and flop down on the couch.

"anyone up for a few rounds of mario kart?" liam asks excitedly. niall, zayn and harry agree verbally. liam flicks on the ps4 and starts mario kart.

"lou," harry is sat on the couch and it patting his lap. i smile and cuddle into him. harry drags a blanket over the both of us.

"okay, i- well- shit happened and theres only two remotes now... niall and zayn can go first, harry and i can play the next round," liam explains. by "shit happened" he means he lost a game of mario kart, and being the sore loser he is, he whipped the controller at wall, not knowing the window was open. turns out people don't like it when you throw ps4 controllers at their cars on the highway. we learned that the hard way.

niall and zayn start playing the game. niall playing as princess peach and zayn as yoshi. niall claims that princess peach is his lucky charm but i'm pretty sure he just likes looking at her. he's a strange duck i tell you, but when you hear him moaning 'peach'- you get the idea.

"i'm gonna go get some popcorn, you want some?" liam asks harry and myself. i quietly groan to myself. i fucking despise popcorn - theres nothing you can do to make it sound less crunchy and overall i just don't like the taste.

"we're good, thanks liam," harry smiles and waves liam off.

"hazza? does there have to be popcorn?" i complain. i know it's selfish to ask people not to eat certain foods but i'm tired, sound bothers me more.

"i'm sorry, lou. just focus on something else, i'll play with your hair to distract you, yeah?" harry suggests. i love him so much, he's so caring and helps me with this stupid disorder. i would call it more of a disease, but whatever. i hate it so much, i always try to cover up my uncomfortableness when i hear noises that trigger me, but sometimes it gets difficult. when i can't control myself anymore, people often get offended. i'm not trying to get bothered and i hate myself for it.

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