Chapter XIX

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rambles; new year, new covers for my books! What do we think?
leave me some comments as you all read!

song ~ ☼ Can I Call You Tonight? - Dayglow ☼

Chapter XIX

Imogen smiled to herself as she finished the page she was currently reading and flipped to the next one, eyes carefully scanning the page not to miss a single word. It was Middlemarch by George Elliot, a book unbeknownst to Imogen that Maeve had just finished re-reading before moving onto The Bell Jar, and was one of her favourites.

After Maeve's confession and their kiss, the two girls had stayed up till the early hours of the morning, just talking.  Well to be exact they'd spent hours both talking and kissing, but mostly talking about anything and everything, just like they used to before their falling out.

But this time it was different, like neither felt the need to hold anything back, they could be themselves without feeling it was necessary to have walls up, especially Maeve. Neither girl was really sure what they were, on the sexuality spectrum or as a 'couple', they had just agreed to give things a shot and leave the rest up to chance, so who knew what was to come next.

For Imogen, kissing Maeve just felt...right. It was as if their lips were made for one another, fitting perfectly within one another, and there was nothing about it at all even close to awkward. Due to the fact they'd always had quite a close friendship, being intimate with Maeve seemed nothing new, it was comfortable and lovely and again, just right.

Though they'd kissed before, this time it was as if a giant question mark had been wiped off, like they had a completely clean slate.

"You're reading."

Imogen snapped out of her thoughts as a familiar voice drew her back to reality. "Very observant Sherlock." Imogen smiled, quoting words Maeve had often spoken to her as the older girl shifted slightly, resting her head on Imogens thigh as she scrolled absentmindedly through her phone.

"It's already one?" Maeve yawned, locking her phone and moving her head back to stare up toward Imogen, whose own head rested against Maeve's windowsill as she sat up in the bed. "To be fair I don't think we fell asleep till..." Imogen trailed off with a frown, not even sure herself what time the two had finally dozed off.

"Very late." Maeve finished the sentence for her with a chuckle, reaching up to close the book and tug it gently out of Imogen's hands, placing it back down on her bedside table. "Come here." She rasped, sitting up slightly to grab Imogen's legs, pulling her back down to lay flat on the bed.

"I was enjoying that." Imogen quirked an eyebrow in the direction of the book, both girls now laying on their sides, heads flat against Maeve's pillows as they stared one another in the eye. "No you weren't." Maeve smiled, leaning in to connect her lips to Imogen's, her hands falling to the girls waist, pulling her body closer into Maeve's.

"It did have a lot of rather large words." Imogen pulled away to admit, Maeve letting out a small laugh before leaning in to kiss her once more, Imogen again smiling into the kiss, as Maeve was quickly learning was a habit of hers.

"You told your aunt you were staying here right? She's not gonna come kick my door down or report a missing person because you didn't come home?" Maeve asked, half joking,  Imogen reaching to intertwine their fingers with a shake of her head.

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