Chapter XLIII

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rambles; Oh that's right she's got a double update for you all this week helloooo! You know the drill pleaseee drop me a vote and spam me with some comments as you read, they truly make my day 🤠

song; ☆ Hot Topic - Le Tigre ☆

Chapter XLIII

"Come on Adam it won't be that bad." Imogen chuckled, patting the miserable looking boy on the back as they locked their bikes up.

"I hate history and I hate old stuff and I hate old people, France is shit." Adam admitted bluntly, adjusting his backpack with a shrug as Imogen rolled her eyes, glancing over his shoulder with a fond smile at their Devil Hope masterpiece which was still boldly displayed on the front of the school.

"Ah just the two I was looking for." Both looked up from their conversation as Miss Sands hurried over to them, pulling them aside with a flick of her head.

"Now this is supposed to be hush hush but I'm doing a pop quiz next week on our chosen syllabus for the term, Little Women. Now there will be both multiple choice and long response questions, if you haven't finished reading the book I suggest you do so quickly. heard nothing from me and you will be equally as surprised when I announce the pop quiz. Understood? Excellent!" Miss Sands whispered to both students before spying Hope's arrival and hurrying off to stand with Mr Hendricks before either Imogen or Adam could say a thing.

"Have you finished it?" Imogen queried, the look Adam gave her in response all the answer she needed. "Fear not my tall friend for there is a Little Women movie." Imogen attempted to sling her arm over Adams shoulder, however due to their obvious height difference succeeded in simply smacking his backpack rather awkwardly.

Adam smiled at the action, slinging his own arm effortlessly over Imogens shoulder as the two left their bikes behind, getting their names crossed off and stepping onto the coach.

What Imogen failed to spot was Maeve's eyes following her the entire way, the girl chewing on the hangnail of her thumb and only half listening to Aimee as the girl rambled on about the different types of vulvas she'd discovered throughout her extensive research last night.

"Glad to see you took my advice seriously Maeve." The girl was pulled from her thoughts as Hope appeared beside them, Steve and Aimees conversation ceasing at her presence as the older woman nodded her head happily with the change.

"Shit I didn't even notice you got rid of the purple. Why? I loved it." Aimees eyes widened as she fondled Maeve's hair and Hope strode off away from them just as suddenly as she'd arrived.

"Got bored of it." Maeve lied with a shrug as the trio made their way over to the coach, the girl having given herself a somewhat decent haircut to remove the purple and silver from its tips, not being able to afford anymore brown dye.

"Did you speak with Imogen yet? I hate all this fighting." Aimee complained as they waited in line to have their names crossed off. "No, not yet Aimee." Maeve sighed, having already gotten a mouthful from her best friend after she'd filled her in on everything.

Though she'd left out the most recent argument she'd had with her girlfriend, not wanting to it to spread that Imogen had been behind the vandalism.

"Well you know France is the city of love, maybe the two of you can work it out in a new environment." Aimee sympathised squeezing her friends shoulder kindly as Maeve hummed and they stepped onto the coach.

Maeve internally groaned when she realised she'd need to walk past Imogen in order to get to where the free seats were, and prayed Aimee had enough good judgement not to take the row right beside the girl.

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