Chapter XV

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rambles; reading all your comments you guys leave as you read this book and y'alls support of this book and this OC pairing has me 🥺I love Imogen and I'm glad you all love her too.

song ~ ✄ Hot Girl Bummer - blackbear ✄

Chapter XV

"No I'm still in school, I'm not gonna be a drop out like you."

Maeves own words to her mum yesterday echoed around her head as she lay in bed, having just woken up, yesterdays events still relaying in her mind on a loop. Seeing her mum, seeing Imogen, avoiding Imogen, lying to her mum, which wasn't something she felt bad about considering all the lies that her flown her way through Erins mouth anyway.

Turning on her side with a huff, her eyes scanned the small stack of books on her bedside table, she'd read them all, and she'd happily read them again, but right now she knew she couldn't focus, they were only a mere distraction from reality, her rather bleak and shitty reality.

She'd quit her job yesterday, so she had nothing really all that important or any sort of a routine to fill her days with now. With yet another huff Maeve flipped onto her back, head thumping softly against her pillow as she busied herself counting the chips of paint flaking from the ceiling.

She got to fifty four before that too became all too boring.

Pulling herself into a sitting position, Maeve studied the only other thing on her bedside table besides the small library and a discarded half drunk glass of water, the hideously obnoxiously pink fluffy earrings her mum had seriously thought she'd like.

It only further proved how little she really knew about her own daughter.

Holding them up to her ears Maeve checked out her reflection in the small rounded mirror on the adjacent wall before grimacing and dropping them into the small drawer of her bedside table, the less she looked at them the better they became.

"No I'm still in school, I'm not gonna be a drop out like you."

So with those words echoing around her head once more, Maeve decided to steer away from her current course of boredom. Hauling herself out of bed and to her feet she marched into the bathroom, rummaging through cabinets and drawers before she pulled out what she was seeking with a small smile of victory.

She knew now what she wanted to do, what she needed to do.


"-and then you carry the two and move the decimal three places forward-" Imogen struggled to keep her eyes open as Otis droned on, to his credit he was trying to help her understand her maths homework which was due next period, but dear god numbers were boring. She was fine at basic math, but fractions and decimals and factors? Count her out.

As a thump sounded infront of her Imogen snapped to attention, jumping slightly in her seat as Eric grinned at her through the window, having been the cause of the noise, before making his way into the small study room.

"Umm so remember the whole natural organisational skills of my brain thing?" The boy started, taking a seat beside Imogen but directing the question towards Otis. "Well you have three appointments today. But I can't remember where, what time or with who." Eric smiled sheepishly as Otis let out a small noise of distress.

"Still can't believe you're doing the clinic again, what happened to 'don't tell Ola about the clinic, she might think it's weird!'" Imogen mocked her cousin who huffed and rolled his eyes. "It wasn't my idea thank you, and you're still welcome to join the team again." He offered as Imogen pulled a face.

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