Chapter I

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song ~ ☆ New Girl (Tom's Song) - The Walters ☆

Chapter I

Imogen sighed wearily as the car finally came to a halt, tires crunching against gravel as the engine cut out and a thick tense silence filled the vehicle. "I can't believe you're dumping me here." The girl muttered bitterly, forehead pressed against the window, breathe fogging it up as she exhaled sharply from her nose in frustration.

"I am not 'dumping' you anywhere. You are going to stay with your aunt and your cousin, family, while I travel for work." Her mother Rachael defended herself, hands firmly gripping the wheel, her eyes never leaving the horizon. "Oh a business trip. Thats what we're calling it now is it?" Imogen mumbled to herself with an eye roll, her mother certainly having heard her but choosing to ignore it knowing it would only begin another argument.

"I mean for god sakes the woman helps people wank each other off in her free time and you're leaving me in her care!" Imogen exclaimed, throwing her hands up in despair and earning herself a swift side eye in warning. "Watch it. Don't speak about your aunt like that, you used to love coming here when you were younger." Rachael scolded the teen beside her, who merely rolled her eyes in response.

"Yes when we all came here as a family for just the weekend and it wasn't against my will. We haven't been back here since Uncle Remi-" Imogen didn't get to finish her sentence before her mother swiftly interrupted.

"I don't want to hear it, its happening, we're here. The fresh air will do you good, maybe clean that mouth of yours and cure your constant god awful moaning for a few months." The older woman snipped, lowering her eyes so once again they didn't meet her daughters.

"I need to go home and pack." She spoke, calmer and avoiding saying the direct words she wished to say, but Imogen was used to that and knew exactly what her mother meant. "You're not even going to walk me inside?" The girl asked quietly, already knowing the answer.

"You're sixteen you don't need me to hold your hand like a child."

Without another word exchanged between them Imogen unbuckled herself and grabbed her backpack where it lay by her feet. Stepping out of the car she swung it over her shoulder and opened the rear passenger door, grunting as she pulled out her suitcase and sat it upright beside her.

Making an effort to slam both doors closed Imogen didn't grace her mother with a goodbye, simply grabbing her suitcase by the handle and heading around the car to the steps leading down to the house. "I'll call you once I land, best behaviour Imogen I mean it!" Rachael called out before rolling up her window, gravel crunching beneath the car as it peeled off back in the direction from which it came.

Pausing on the last step to close her eyes and take a deep breathe Imogen tried to calm herself, her head a jumbled mess of anger and sadness. Exhaling she tugged her suitcase, which she was surprised hadn't completely broke from its bumpy trip down those deathly gravel stairs, up and onto the front patio. Giving three short knocks on the door not even fifteen seconds passed before it was flung open and the young girl jumped from the sudden small shock.

"Imogen darling! Oh god look at how big you've gotten. It's been far too long come here come here." Her Aunt beamed pulling her into a hug, the girl instantly felt a bit bad for her comments in the car, she really was a lovely person. "Puberty has done you wonders my girl!" Oh no never-mind, there was the slightly weird slightly invasive commentary she was known for, still lovely though.

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