Chapter XXIX

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rambles; how is everyone? hydrated? simping for maeve? perfect. leave me some comments as you read y'all! tysm for all the continued support I really am in love w Imogen even though she's literally made up. I need a Maeve to my Imogen.

song - ☆ Rebel Girl - Bikini Kill ☆

Chapter XXIX


"Aimee?" Imogen tried again, this time gently bumping her knee against Aimees, the blonde snapping out of her daydream and looking up toward her. "What's going on? I know you're not fine." Imogen questioned, quite concerned about her friend and her how seemingly unlike her normal self she was being.

"I'm okay." Aimee deflected with a small smile to the girl, whose brow only furrowed deeper at the answer.

"Aimes I know we haven't been friends all that long, but I really care about you and I don't like seeing you like this. I can't make you talk about what's going on or what's bothering you, but please know that if ever you're ready to talk about it, or if you need anything, I'll be right here yeah?" Imogen promised softly, her hand reaching out to sit atop Aimees own.

"Thanks Im." Aimee managed to choke out with a smile, opening her mouth as if to say more, but excusing herself to the bathroom before she did, hurrying off in the opposite direction as Imogen watched on, her concern only growing. Though before any thoughts could cross her mind about following her friend, a wad of paper landed in her lap.

Frown melting into one more of confusion she picked it up and unfolded it, instantly recognising the handwriting. Looking up her eyes met with Maeve's, who had thrown the paper toward her, even though she was barely two metres away.

Ola is a twat.


Imogens eyes narrowed, Maeve's amused smile dropping as she realised the joke was not well received. With an unimpressed huff Imogen balled the paper back up, tossing it over her shoulder and averting her eyes away.

Feeling her pocket vibrate she pulled out her phone, seeing her mums number flash across the screen. Realising she still hadn't returned her call, and seeing that the presentation they were supposed to be working on was going nowhere, she picked up.

"I really can't talk right now Rachael, I'm busy." Imogen started quietly before getting to her feet and moving away from the group, phone held tightly to her ear.

"Don't Rachael me, I hate that."

"Well you don't act like a mum so don't expect that title, Rachael." Imogen bit back, running her finger absentmindedly over the spines of the books as she wandered down the library aisles.

"Look, I've been meaning to call. Things are just...busy right now." The older woman started with a sigh, Imogen rolling her eyes. and bracing for the wave of crappy excuses to begin.

"Yes and I've been meaning to get knocked up in my teenage prime and ignore my child for the majority of their life but you know...I was a bit busy lighting fires, binge drinking and growing a plentiful marijuana crop. You know, normal delinquent things!" Imogens voice dripped with sarcasm and she could almost visualise the tight frown which would be setting in on her mothers face, her nose probably pinched between two fingers as she took a deep breathe.

"So this is the new attitude your father was going on about then?"

"No this is how I've always been Rachael, you were just too busy fucking your assistant and pretending I don't exist to notice." Imogen replied casually, pulling out a crime novel which seemed interesting, flipping through its pages as her phone was sandwiched between her ear and her shoulder.

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