Chapter XII

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song ~ ☹ Let You Down - NF ☹

Chapter XII

"Eric, I said no." Imogen replied sternly for what felt like the 100th time as the boy in front of her merely scoffed. "See this? This, is what we're not going to do." Eric ordered with a wave of his hand in Imogen's direction as she lay down on his bed, having been basically ordered to come over and help him get ready for the dance. Though she was beginning to realise he had other intentions.

"Rejection is shit yeah, but moping around about it is not cute." Eric continued as now Imogen was the one to scoff, flipping him off. "No I'm serious man! So she said no, big deal. You're hot property Immy, and even if you don't see it, lots of people do. So, you're going to that dance, looking hot, single, fierce but NOT sad!" Eric finished as he grabbed a pillow, whacking the younger girl in the face who groaned in annoyance at his persistence.

"Just because you've been to church and had some sort of spiritual awakening, doesn't mean I need a fairy godmother to fix my love life. I'm perfectly content feeling sorry for myself, thank you very much!" Imogen smiled sarcastically before flopping back down onto the bed and covering her face with her arms.

"Oo fairy godmother? I like that." Eric mused, completely ignoring the rest of the girls words as he turned to face away from her, still muttering to himself as he shifted through his incredibly colourful closet. "Go try this on." Eric ordered as some sort of material landed on top of Imogen, which as she peeled it off of her face she realised was a black dress. "Eric no I'm-" the girl tried to protest but judging by the hardened unimpressed look on the boys face, she wasn't getting out of this so easily.

"Thank you! Don't be too long, we still need to work out accessories and do something with that hair." Eric shooed her towards his bathroom. "What's wrong with my hair!" Imogen protested as Eric merely gave her a pointed look and promptly shut the bathroom door.


"Can't action man buy you a dress?" Sean drawled, body draped lazily across the black velvet futon of the dress shop they were currently in. "His names Jackson, and no, I'm not his house wife." Maeve grumbled, anxiously fixing the straps of the dress she was trying on, which was a hideous shade of purple, but she was getting desperate.

"Why does he annoy you so much?" Maeve accused, slapping her brothers hand away as he got up and tried to help her. "He doesn't. I actually quite like him, I'm just not sure if he's the right guy for you, that's all." Sean answered honestly with a shrug, taking a seat again.

"And what would you know about that anyway?" Maeve rolled her eyes, glaring at herself and the ugly dress in the mirror. "Well even if you refuse to accept it, I do know you." Sean answered vaguely. "What's that got to do with Jackson not being the right guy for me?" Maeve continued to ask, huffing as she gave up trying to adjust the dress, there was no way to make it not hideous.

"Well, even if you denied it, if you did like people of the female persuasion, that's fine too. Specifically if you liked a female that was bright eyed, brown haired, good for a laugh, actually pretty cool..." Sean trailed off, awaiting an answer for Maeve whose stomach was busy tying itself in knots as her mind shot back to this morning and the clearly broken look on that same girls face, all thanks to her.

"This isn't working." Maeve decided to completely ignore her brothers words, referring to the dress hanging off her shoulder. "Mmm, try this instead." Sean handed her a new dress as Maeve accepted it with a small sigh.

Though hard as she was trying, she could not seem to get her mind off of that girl.


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