Chapter VIII

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song ~ ♡ No Woman - Whitney ♡

Chapter VIII

"Well don't you look fabulous. Those legs? Otis you should really wear skirts more often, you might even get a shag." Imogen teased her cousin who flipped her off and grabbed his backpack, the boy adorned head to toe in his Hedwig drag costume that matched Erics, the two having done the same thing for years.

Adjusting the blonde wig on his head, which was just as itchy as he remembered, the boy glanced over his cousins shoulder to the sketchbook on the coffee table infront of her. "Erics present?" He guessed, Imogen humming yes as she finished the final touches on the jacket details, almost done.

"He'll love it." Otis chuckled, Imogen having sketched out Eric as if he was on the cover of a vogue magazine, complete with heels, his favourite outfit and glam makeup to match. "I just need to finish off the lettering and it's all his. Is he staying over tonight?" The girl asked her cousin who shrugged, not really having much of a plan of what would happen after the show.

"You know you're quite good at that." Otis complimented, nodding towards the drawing on the dining room table. "Thank you. And you're quite good at being a sex therapist trapped in an awkward gangly teenage boys body." Imogen smiled back sarcastically.

"You couldn't have just taken the compliment?" Otis sighed, clearing his throat as Jean made her way downstairs, sending both teens a fond smile, laptop in hand and glasses perched atop her head as she headed for her office.

"Well I'm off!" Otis announced awkwardly with a forced smile, hand on the doorknob. "You look fabulous." Jean stated, Imogen calling out that she too had said the same thing. "Thanks, bye." And just like that, off he went.

However it wasn't long till Imogen heard from him again, her phone making her jump as it began to ring loudly beside her. "What did you forget?" The girl sighed into the phone as she answered, seeing it was Otis ringing.

"Er nothing. Look I can't chat because I'm gonna miss the bus but I just saw Tom underneath Clayhill bridge, on the bank. He had a phone which means he lied which meant it was probably him who sent the Ruby photo around!" Otis rambled out all in one breathe, it sounded like he'd just run a marathon. "So I tried to grab it but he tossed it into the river. Getting rid of the evidence the little sneak. But then I confronted him and-" The boy began to wheeze.

"Otis for fucks sake breathe! Slow down." Imogen ordered, her cousin taking a few deep breathes before continuing. "I confronted him and he admitted to making up the Glen Jacobs thing so he looked better. Then he admitted he didn't send the photo to everyone, but just one person to prove he'd had sex. Kyle." Otis finished, Aimee's Kyle, great.

"Look like I said I need to catch my bus but call Maeve! She'll know what to do." Otis choked out, Imogen stammering for a second trying to form words. "Bus is here gotta go bye!" And just like that the dial tone clicked out and he disappeared, leaving a frantic Imogens mind racing. "Uhh okay shit." The girl scrolled through her contacts, finding Maeve's number and clicking call, hoping she'd answer.

"What do you want muppet?" Imogen sighed in relief as she did, before quickly rambling off as best as she could remember exactly what Otis told her. "Shit. I know where Kyle is, he'll be at Aimees for study group. Meet me there, asap." And just like that, she was gone.

"Well there goes a quiet night in to myself." The girl grumbled, closing her sketchbook and standing to her feet. Racing upstairs she grabbed a jumper, already wearing jeans as the afternoon was fast fading into evening and it would be cooling down outside. "I'm going for a walk Aunty Jean!" Imogen called out, thumping down the stairs two at a time.

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