Chapter XLVII

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Chapter XLVII

song ~☆ September - Sparkly Deathcap ☆

"So you went to his house and asked him to help you write a poem for your current boyfriend...who is his ex boyfriend?" Imogen asked Adam in shock after the boy had finished recounting his afternoon with Rahim, having volunteered to bring him the work Rahim missed whilst suspended.

"Yeah. What?" Adam asked, eyebrows furrowing together in confusion as Imogen groaned his name, burying her face in her hands. "Is that bad or something? He's really good with words I thought he could help me!" Adam defended, frown deepening as Imogen shook her head.

"Right okay, let me put it another way. You know how Kyle was seeing Aimee for a bit after you both broke up?" Imogen sighed, Adam nodding along. "Well, you asking Rahim for help writing Eric a poem, would have been like Kyle asking you what sex position Aimee likes best." Imogen explained gently as Adam echoed out a soft ohh in understanding.

"So I shouldn't ask him for help?"
"No Adam, you should not."

"Well I can't bloody write it can I!" Adam huffed, angrily hugging his pillow as Imogen gave the boy a smile. "Sure you can. Read me what you've got so far, go on!" She nudged his knee with hers encouragingly as Adam sighed, producing a crumpled piece of paper from inside his jacket.

"Can't you just read it, silently?" Adam asked hopefully as Imogen shook her head, pushing the paper back towards him as Adam cleared his throat awkwardly. "You're not allowed to laugh." He warned the girl beside him seriously who nodded, motioning for him to begin.

"Eric you make me smile, like an australian crocodile. Eric you have nice eyes, you're not like other guys. Eric you make me feel pretty, like a cute little kit- you promised you wouldn't laugh!" Adam expressed with frustration as Imogen hid a snicker behind her hand.

"I'm not laughing."
"Yes you are!"
"I'm not I'm just...smiling?"
"I told you I can't do it."

Imogen admittedly felt quite bad as Adam scrunched up the piece of paper, throwing it across the room with a grunt and pulling a blanket over his head. "Adam come on, it wasn't that bad. You just need to write more from the heart, and it doesn't need to rhyme. The feelings are there, we just need to translate them into words." Imogen smiled, trying to tug the blanket off of him but the boy held it firm. "It's shit, if I give him that he's gonna break up with me! I'm hopeless." Adam huffed in frustration.

"He would never do that! Come on, get out of the blanket and lets try again." Imogen encouraged, still trying to pull the blanket off him but once again Adam held on tight. "Adam you're being a child now, come on!" Imogen grunted, getting up on her knees and desperately trying to yank the covers from off her friends head.

"Don't call me a child when you couldn't even listen to the whole thing without laughing!" Adam protested, suddenly throwing the covers off as the girl was still pulling on them, sending an unprepared Imogen tumbling off his bed with a loud thud.

"Adam you're such a-"

"Everything alright in-oh." Their conversation was cut short as Adams dad opened the door to check in, having heard the noise from next door. "Imogen." He greeted the flustered girl with an awkward nod who scrambled to her feet. "Headmaster-I mean, Mr Groff." Imogen corrected, smoothing out her skirt and clearing her throat.

"What you doing here?" Adam asked quietly, standing to his feet as Imogen took a seat back on the corner of the boys bed. "Just grabbing a few things and dropping off my keys, at your mothers request." The man shifted uneasily on his feet. "You really shouldn't have your door closed and a girl upstairs while you're home alone Adam, you know our-your mums rules." Mr Groff remanded, looking anywhere but actually at his son.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2023 ⏰

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