Chapter XLVI

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rambles; HELLOOOOO pals long time no talk! No this is not a dream I DID FINALLY FINISH A CHAPTER. I hope you're all hydrated, happy and healthy! You know the drill drop me a vote and some cheeeky comments. MISSED YOU ALL SO MUCH PLEASE ENJOY A VERY LONG OVERDUE UPDATE!

Chapter XLVI

song; • Night Alive - Lure Division

"Do you ever think about what life would be like if everyone over the age of twenty just disappeared?" Imogen pondered aloud, sat cross legged on the floor of Maeve's caravan. She was watching an apocalyptic thriller, picking absentmindedly at a loose thread on the worn out tattered carpet beneath her.

"Sorry, do I what?" Maeve glanced up with a surprised chuckle from the lopsided stack of papers in front of her. "Like if we lived in a world entirely without adults." Imogen shook her head, jaw agape in awe, eyes never moving from the TV screen.

"Imogen I'm eighteen and you're nearly there, technically in the eye of the law I already am, and you are almost, an adult." Maeve responded with an amused smile, eyes drifting back down toward her homework.

"Plus all the adults around me did a runner." Maeve added on bluntly with an honest  shrug. "Oh I didn't even think about how that could be an insensitive question I-" Imogen was quick to begin to ramble out an apology but a pair of cherry pink lips stopped her in her tracks.

"Don't, it's fine." Maeve pulled away, her thumb ghosting her girlfriends jaw, Imogens own lips curling into a soft smile at the tender gesture. Maeves attention returned toward her studies as Imogen's own shifted back the film, a silence that was both comfortable and not unfamiliar falling between the pair.

"Right because theres radioactive energy everywhere and you'd spend your last few days riding a bike? Hotwire a car for christ sakes." Imogen scoffed in disbelief, her accent ringing prominently throughout the room, breaking its previously quiet facade.

"Some people don't have that luxury." Maeve remanded her girlfriend, eyes still focused down on the paper infront of her. "To hot wire a car? I mean the least you could is try to learn if the world is ending." Imogen rebutted loosely, misunderstanding what the older girl had meant.

"No, to ride a bike." Maeve corrected quietly, eyebrows furrowing together with annoyance as she furiously erased her last two sentences, beginning her paragraph again with a stubborn shake of her head.

"Please who doesn't know how to ride a bike." Imogen laughed, though it fell short when Maeve remained silent and the younger girl picked up on the odd energy suddenly coming off of her in waves.

" don't know how to ride a bike?"  Imogen realised, eyes widening as she scrambled to mute the TV, turning her entire body to face the brunette beside her.

The two sat cross legged on the floor, knees barely touching as Imogens homework lay scattered and mostly completed on the floor in-front of her, whilst Maeve sat trying to rewrite and revise her aptitude speech for tomorrow, palm cards stacked in neat piles on the coffee table.

Though the gentle scratching of Maeve's pencil against paper was interrupted as an impatient Imogen grabbed the writing instrument abruptly from her grip.

"I really need to-"
"You don't know how to ride a bike?"

"No." Maeve responded curtly, snatching her pencil back from the younger girls hand. "Why not?" Imogen questioned persistently as Maeve let out a deep but pensive sigh.

"Look around, see anyone who could have shown me?"
"Sean could hardly walk. He had to pay off the instructor with a bottle of rum just to pass his driving test!" Maeve rolled her eyes, glaring at her girlfriend who once again snatched the pencil from her hand.

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