Chapter XXIV

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rambles; you know the drill, spam me with some comments as you read y'all! I really wish we'd get a release date for season 3 I'm having withdrawals 😫

song ~ ☼ SUGAR by Brockhampton ☼

Chapter XXIV

"I have to go back to London soon."

Maeve's eyebrows furrowed together in surprise at the younger girls words, her heart leaping into her mouth.

"What?" She choked out, sitting up from where the two were currently laying down outside on the verandah, watching the stars.

"Not like permanently! Sorry I should have clarified that." Imogen reassured her as Maeve let out a breathe she didn't realise she was holding in, her body visibly de-tensing.

"So does this mean you're going to tell me what happened with your dad?" Maeve questioned, glancing down at Imogen before returning her gaze to the sky.

"He apologised. Then he told me there's been some disagreements as to where is best for me to live." Imogen frowned, tucking her hands behind her head before continuing.

"My mum wants me in Paris with her and her new 'boyfriend', which won't be happening. Dad wants me to come to Harrow to stay with him and his 'ex' and my 'sister' until he finds a new place, and Jean wants me to stay here, at least until the end of the school year." The girl explained, Maeve nodding along, waiting for Imogen to finish before she said anything.

Though she could sense her bubbling annoyance at the entire situation just from all the passive aggressive quotations she was insinuating with her hands.

"I have to go back to London to sort my stuff out, they're selling the house so I have to go through my clothes and room I guess. They want my 'opinion' on where I'd like to live by then, I'll go back in the next week or two." Imogen finished, looking up at Maeve who seemed to be deep in thought beside her.

"Your opinion?"
"Yeah, doesn't exactly make me feel like they give much of a shit about my say."
"That's...a lot. Are you alright?"

"Right now? Yeah. Even if it's not much I still have some time." Imogen gave her girlfriend a small smile, reaching out to squeeze her hand as Maeve laid back down, a comfortable silence falling between the two of them before Imogen broke.

"I want to stay here, I know that for sure. I just have a feeling it won't be as easy as that."

"Nothing that's worth it is really ever that easy though, is it?"


"You know, for someone who is constantly bugging me about my cooking, seems a bit hypocritical to order pizza?" Maeve teased lightly as Imogen returned, having just gotten rid of their rubbish.

"I think constantly is a slight over-exaggeration. Would you have rather had two minute noodles?" Imogen rolled her eyes playfully, flopping back down on the sofa beside Maeve.

"I'd rather sleep in a bed not covered by a blanket with a nerdy game on it." Maeve bit back with a sly smile, Imogens jaw dropping. "It's not a nerdy game! Have you even ever played?" Imogen accused, crossing her arms over her chest with a huff. "I can barely afford hot water some days Imogen, so no I don't have a gaming console." Maeve rolled her eyes as her girlfriend jumped back to her feet.

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