Chapter XXV

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rambles; blonde maeve wiley supremacy, period.
spam me with comments as you read!!

song ~ ✧ Jealous by Eyedress ✧

Chapter XXV

iMessage from Bad Gal 👠 at 7:32pm
team rahim, you were right. No more getting hurt and now I officially have a boyfriend!! 🤯🤩

iMessage from Queen Immy 🧚‍♂️ at 7:41pm
🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 proud of u

With a stretch and a small groan Imogen hauled herself off the love seat, having sat cross legged for so long her feet were beginning to get all tingly and strange.

With a satisfied hum she closed her sketchbook and tossed it onto her desk, having spent the last hour drawing a picture of Aimee's castle of a house she'd taken a few days ago.

Her stomach growling she decided it was probably time to eat something, having been so caught up hanging out with Maeve and Eric all day she really hadn't had the chance to.

Though as she opened her door and stepped out she doubled over with a groan, someone barreling into her as they stormed past. "What the hell!" Imogen grunted, watching Ola disappear downstairs without so much as a hello let alone an apology.

"Bye?" Imogen called after her, poking her head over the bannister just in time to see Ola's disappear out the front door. "You know your girlfriend is sort of a-" Imogen burst into her cousin's room, though her words fell short once she noticed Otis sprawled out on the bed.

"What's wrong?" Imogen asked with narrowed eyes, tilting her head to the side to take him in. "Ex girlfriend." Otis corrected her quietly as Imogen's face softened and she nodded in understanding.

"So she dumped you huh? That explains the hasty exit." Imogen moved Otis's legs and sat on the edge of his bed, the boy covering his face with his arm. "I dumped her, it was a mutual dumping." Otis mumbled into his arm dejectedly.

"No you didn't." Imogen patted his leg, shaking her head. "No I didn't." Otis agreed, pulling himself into a sitting position on the opposite end of the bed. "What happened?" Imogen questioned seriously, folding her hands in her lap awaiting an explanation.

"I don't know! Things were fine, at least I thought so. Then we tried to have sex and that just went...wrong. She told me she loved me, I panicked and didn't say it back, she didn't like that. She thought I was too close with Maeve so she made me tell her that I couldn't see her anymore, I did that tonight and then told Ola I loved her...and then she broke up with me. I don't understand women!" Otis huffed, dragging his hands slowly down his face with a sigh.

Imogen paused, struggling over which part of his confession she actually wanted to dissect first. "She sucks." Were the words she eventually decided on with a curt nod. "She told me I'm uptight. I am not uptight!" Otis stated defensively, crossing his arms over his chest as Imogen winced, pulling a face.

"What? I'm not!"
"Otis you are a little tightly wound."
"I am not tightly wound, I'm loose! I'm cool! I'm hat man!" Her cousin protested as Imogen just gave him a sympathetic smile.

"You sucked at being hat man. You lost Eric's hat after we were at that party for like ten minutes, and you spent almost that entire party worrying about things." Imogen tried to let her cousin down easily, though due to his scoffs of disagreement it wasn't working.

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