Chapter XXI

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rambles; soft Maeve makes me 🥺 just let the poor girl date Aimee at least, Ruby and Otis had more chemistry in one scene than Maeve and Otis have had in an entire two seasons. Comment as you read! Do we think we'll be getting season 3 next week, same date as the previous years? I hope so!!

song ~ ☽ Hesitation - Hot Flash Heat Wave ☽

Chapter XII

"Dad?" Imogen choked out in surprise, taking in the tall man standing in front of her, jaw hung ajar in mild shock. "Hi Immy." The older man smiled, stepping aside to let her inside as Imogen squeezed past him. "You know I hate when you call me that." Imogen sighed, placing her bag down on the table as her dad closed the door.

"Your father was just on his way out, I'll leave you two to talk. Goodnight darling, goodnight Aaron." Jean squeezed Imogen's shoulder gently as she grabbed her mug of tea, offering the older man a somewhat tight lipped smile before making her way upstairs to her bedroom, Imogen hearing the door close softly after her.

"Do you want a tea or something?" Imogen offered awkwardly, waving her hands towards the kitchen where a boiled kettle stood half full. "One sugar." Her dad replied, taking a seat at the dining room table as Imogen nodded and turned away from him, busying herself sitting through the pantry for the tea bags.

"So I bet you're wondering why I'm here?" Her dad finally broke the silence lingering between them. "Well yeah?" Imogen chuckled somewhat bitterly as she grabbed out two mugs and began to brew the tea.

"Well. There are some things we need to discuss, however that can wait till tomorrow, it's late and you have school." Her dad shrugged, accepting the mug off of his daughter with a small smile of thanks as Imogen sat on the chair across from his, blowing on her tea to cool it down a little.

"So is this how you're dressing now?" Her dad mused suddenly, giving Imogen a once over who shifted uncomfortably in her seat. "This is how I've always dressed dad, don't pretend like you suddenly notice and care." Her tone was sharp, he was right it was late and she was utterly taken aback by her dads sudden appearance, to which he was yet to even remotely explain.

"Why are you here? Don't bullshit me." Imogen sighed tiredly before her dad could even react to her previous sentence. "We need to talk, properly. Communication with you is something your mother and I have struggled with over the years, we'd like to take steps to improve that." Aaron started, watching as his daughter simply shook her head with a quiet laugh, though her tone was anything but humorous.

"Communication? Oh you mean how I've heard from your darling wife about three times since she dumped me here? Or how you only started properly trying after my birthday, which was months after I left. Or how before this the two of you shipped me off to boarding school anyway so I was barely around?" Imogen spat, smacking her mug down on the table, causing a small wave of tea to spill over and drip down its side.

"Imogen-" her dad started to warn, but the girl was not yet finished and was not in the mood to be chastised or interrupted.

"Don't Imogen me, Aaron. Let me save you some communication and catch you up shall I? I already know you're getting a divorce, I already know mum's been shagging the bookkeeper in Paris, I already know you dumped me here 'for some fresh air' which was really code for out of the way during the divorce." Imogen began, fists clenched firmly around her mug of tea as her knuckles began to turn white from the pressure.

"Oh and let me save you the usual sob story, I know you and mum were young and stupid when you had me. I know I was an accident and the two of you were still 'learning on the job' as you parented me, if we can even call it that! I know mum would have rather dumped me on someone's doorstep or have not had me at all. I feel likeI've spent my entire life trying to fix a mistake I couldn't heal, because it was my mere existence! I am so incredibly sorry for all the 'inconveniences' that parenthood has caused you and Rachael over the years. And yes I'm using your names because guess what the last time I checked Aunty Jean has been more motherly in the last few months than your wife has been in seventeen bloody years! So you can fuck clean off with your communication and tell me why you decided to show up suddenly out of nowhere without so much as a text message now, please!" Imogen slammed her hands on the table, nostrils flaring in anger as the last few months of bottled up anger and frustration with her parents boiled over in about five seconds.

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