Chapter XL

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rambles; there's a new BROTP in town and their names are Imogen and Adam 🥰 y'all know the drill drop a vote and spam me with lots o comments as you read!

song: ✧ Macumba - Titanic ✧

Chapter XL

"I think that's the final one." Imogen heaved as she carefully stood down the last step and into the garage of the Milburn home, dropping a box of family home movies onto the growing pile of boxes between her and Otis.

"Even if its not that's the last one we're doing today. Ola can move the rest herself!" Otis grunted, laying down on his back on the cool garage floor, covering his face with his arm.

"That's the sibling spirit!" Imogen teased, Otis too tired to even respond. With a chuckle Imogen pulled herself up to sit on one of the boxes and grabbed her phone out from her back pocket.

They'd spent the majority of their Friday night as well as their Saturday and now half of their Sunday clearing through all the years worth of junk which had compiled in the attic, and both Milburns were well and truly over it by now.

Ola and Jakob had already moved in a bunch of their stuff, and had been back and forth between their own home and the Milburn house all weekend, seemingly too busy to really lend a hand with the clearing of Ola's new room.

Judging from how tense things already seemed between both Ola and Otis and Jakob and Otis, it was shaping up to be quite the interesting adjustment.

"Have you got plans with Ruby again tonight then?" Imogen questioned as she scrolled through her messages, busying herself texting back both Aimee and Maeve. "Maybe? She just sort of calls and....I go." Otis frowned as Imogen glanced curiously at him over the top of her phone.

"Pinnacle of romance." The girl teased, her phone dinging as Adam responded to her text saying she could come over whenever. "Well I need to shower, feel free to peel yourself off the floor anytime soon Oatcake." Imogen hopped off the box she was perched upon, stepping over her cousin.

"Seeing Maeve?" Otis asked, pulling himself slowly into a seated position with a groan. "No Adam again, we have a few quizzes and assignments due next week and if I want any chance of moving back into my old classes I can't afford anything less than at least B's all round." Imogen sighed, dragging her hands down her face, dreading the upcoming school week. Adam already having spent a couple of hours here last night with Imogen studying.

"Since when are you and Adam friends?" Otis pulled a face making Imogen roll her eyes, it was the same distrusting look that was mirrored in Maeve's face when Imogen had denied spending the weekend with her in order to study with Adam like she'd promised.

"Why does everyone keep asking me that? I know Adams hardly perfect but he's not a bad guy! If Eric can give him a chance after everything why can't I?" Imogen defended with a scowl as Otis held his hands up muttering a quick apology before the girl headed back inside the house to get ready.


Imogen rocked back and forth on her heels after sending Adam a quick text saying she was here and knocking a few times on the front door.

The girl smiled as the door swung open revealing Adams mum Maureen, whom Imogen had met briefly a few times when she'd come past the house to spend time with her Aunt or participate in one of Jeans many sexual health related support classes.

"Oh Imogen! What a lovely surprise, come in come in." The older woman beamed kindly, opening the door wider and encouraging Imogen to step inside.

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