Chapter XLIV

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rambles; I really do be feeding y'all with these updates now I'm on break from university. You know the drill pleaseee drop me a vote and spam me with some comments as you readd 🧚‍♂️

Chapter XLIV

Song; ♪ Godspeed - Frank Ocean ♪

"They left us behind, they seriously left us behind."
"Fucking hell, this is the worst school trip of all time."
"What the fuck do we do now?" 

Maeve shook her head, both girls looking around for any sign of life but it appeared even the petrol station had closed for the night. "Do you know any french?" Imogen sighed, crossing her arms over her chest and glancing toward Maeve who firmly shook her head.

"My french knowledge extends to about the words bonjour and baguette, so we're stuck." Imogen kicked at a loose rock, watching it trip and bounce a few metres away from her before settling right by Maeve's foot.

"It'll be dark soon." Maeve commented, looking up at the sky, the air already crisp with a brisk evening chill. "I guess we just have to wait till someone realises we're not there, staying here is safer than wandering around in the dark." Imogen sighed defeatedly, walking back up toward the brightly lit petrol station, not fancying standing in the middle of a road once the sun fully set.

"Aimee or Steve might-" Maeve started but her words fell short as a frown etched its way into her features. "I don't think Aimee will notice we're not on the coach, and Steve will be too busy consoling her." Imogen muttered the last part, dropping her backpack to the ground with a small thud.

"Shut up Imogen." Maeve mumbled moodily with a roll of her eyes, leaning against the petrol pump and crossing her arms over her chest. "Gladly, you're the last person I want to talk to right now." Imogen muttered, climbing up to sit on top of the other petrol pump adjacent to the one Maeve was leaning on.

"If you charged your phone we wouldn't be in this mess." Maeves eyes flicked upward with a glare to the younger girl above her who scoffed in disbelief. "How is this situation in any way my fault? Do I look like fucking Terry, or Mr Hendricks? Do I control when the bus leaves or do a head count of students?" Imogen questioned rhetorically as Maeve remained silent.

"Yeah exactly! Fuck off." Imogen rolled her eyes now, crossing her legs and turning away as Maeve climbed up to sit on the other petrol pump.

The sun rapidly fading and the night sky thick with the chirp of cicadas and the occasional croak of a frog, that was how the two girls sat there. For what felt like hours they remained locked in a stony silence, ears strained to hear any sort of vehicle come their way.

Feeling her stomach rumble and realise all she'd eaten today was a coffee and half a peanut butter sandwich Imogen hopped down off the pump, rummaging through her bag. With a small noise of victory she pulled out a trail bar, zipping her bag up and climbing back up to sit on the petrol pump.

Taking a bite Imogen heard a small noise and glanced sideways at Maeve, realising it was the girls own stomach. With a small sigh Imogen broke off half the bar for herself before offering the other half to the brunette beside her, nudging her gently on the arm to get her attention. 

"Just take it, you and I both heard your stomach then." Imogen pushed with a look after Maeve shook her head no, the girl begrudgingly taking the bar out of Imogens hand and mumbling a thank you. 

"I didn't realise cicadas were so loud until I came to Moordale." Imogen commented quietly between mouthfuls. "I've never noticed them, think I'm just used to it." Maeve shrugged, taking another bite of the trail bar in her hand. "I think I prefer the sound of traffic." Imogen admitted after swallowing her last mouthful, brushing the crumbs off her lap.

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