Chapter XLII

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rambles; Hiii as always there's spoilers for S3 present in this chapter, though if you haven't seen it yet what are you doingg. Y'all know the drill drop me a vote and spam me with some comments as you read 🍪

song; ☹ Hopeless - Halsey ☹

Chapter XLII

Maeve took a deep breath, her body still coiled with tension after her argument with Imogen. She hadn't even had a minute to think about it or speak with Aimee before the PA had crackled to life, calling her to the office.

Knocking on Hopes door a couple times Maeve stepped into view, the woman looking up from the file she had her eyes trained to, standing poised in the corner of the room. "Ah Maeve. Please come in, sit down." Hope waved for the girl to take a seat as she moved to take her own behind her desk, dropping the file infront of her, hands clasped together.

"Have you calmed down now since your little outburst in SRE?" Hope chastised with a raised eyebrow as Maeve took a seat, forcing a smile. "Well, what was being taught is bollocks." Maeve answered honestly, crossing her legs over one another as Hope sighed.

"That spirited energy would be better channeled into into your education, especially if we're going to find the funding for that gifted and talented program." Hope announced before her eyes darted back down to the file infront of her and Maeve frowned slightly. "Funding?" Maeve questioned with both caution and surprise.

"Yes Maeve, funding. Despite your hardheaded attitude you are incredibly bright and it would be a shame if those who cannot always afford the opportunities they deserve missed out on them. I can't make any promises but I am trying to secure the funding which would mean you can go to America for this program." Hope gave Maeve a small smile who had to withhold one of her own, guess it was a good thing she got the application in on time.

"Sorry for saying bollocks." Maeve apologised quickly making Hope chuckle as she scribbled something down on the file infront of her. "I assume you wanted to see me about not paying for the school trip? I can't go." Maeve shook her head firmly with a shrug.

"Your fees have been paid." Hope replied casually, still not looking up from her desk.
"By who?"
"It was an anonymous payment."

"Oh, okay." Maeve frowned, and when Hope didn't say anything else she assumed their conversation was over and stood to her feet. "And I'm serious about the hair Maeve! Change it, immediately." Hope called after her as she glanced up, still seeing the streaks of purple and silver in the ends of Maeve's hair.

Maeve looked over her shoulder and nodded, Hope looking back down to her paperwork. "Imogen Milburn to the head teachers office please." Maeve glanced over to the receptionist as she called the words over the PA before she stepped out of the office, the door closing after her with a small bang.

Pulling her phone out of her pocket Maeve's thumb lingered over the keyboard, clicked into her and Imogens message thread. However her mind flitted back to their argument and she scoffed, body once more boiling with annoyance the girl locked her phone and slid it into her pocket, heading off to find Aimee and enjoy what was left of her break.


"You wanted to see me?" Imogen sighed, hovering in Hopes doorway as the woman waved her in, Imogen taking a seat infront of her. "I heard about your English test, congratulations, an improvement." Hope dropped her pen onto the paperwork infront of her, crossing her arms and leaning back in her chair.

"I've been studying." Imogen confirmed, having gotten a B+ and some constructive feedback on Miss Sands exam.

"For that subject. But I wanted to speak to you about the future Imogen, where do you see yourself in five years?" Hope asked, raising an eyebrow as Imogen hesitated, taking a moment to think.

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