Chapter XIV

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song ~ ☾ Denial - The Hails ☾

Chapter XIV

three weeks later

Life was ordinarily strange for Imogen, odd had become her new normal in the sleepy town of Moordale. It had been nearly three weeks since Imogen had last seen, heard from or had any form of encounter with Maeve, and slowly those feelings for her were beginning to diminish.

Otis had somehow locked down Ola as his girlfriend, a phenomenon Imogen would never understand. Her cousin was a quiet, odd, awkward introvert. Ola on the other hand was a charismatic, outgoing, bubbly extrovert, so opposites must really attract then.

However, those attractive opposites had both cured and caused quite the problem in the Milburn household.

It was two words, Otis's wanking.

He'd gone from not being able to, to being unable to stop, and he was anything but subtle with it. Just the other day Imogen was ready to tear his head off, Jean too.

They'd gone out for lunch, just the three of them, which was overall quite a pleasant afternoon. Jean had then needed to pop into the shops to grab a couple of things for dinner, neither of them needing anything both Otis and Imogen opted to stay in the car, Jean promising she wouldn't be long.

Imogen then busied herself within her phone, texting Eric about their plans tonight, the boy as per usual triple checking she wasn't flaking. Otis however, apparently deemed it appropriate to busy himself with his penis, seeing Imogen was distracted. What he didn't count on however was his mother's hasty return for her wallet.

So to cut a long story short, Jeans car got a very deep professional clean, Imogen wished she could clean her own eyes out with that pressure hose, and Otis was...well he was still Otis.


"Can I ask you something?" Maeve nodded at Aimee's inquiry as she exhaled a lungful of smoke. The two of them were standing outside having a smoke on Maeve's break, she'd picked up a job at the pretzel shack in town. It sucked, but money was money and she needed to keep the lights on and the water running.

"What happened with you and Imogen?" The blonde asked, tilting her head to the side, eyes full of confusion. "What do you mean?" Maeve brushed off the question, attempting to ignore her stomach tying itself in knots of guilt at the mere mention of the name.

"Well the three of used to hang out all the time. Now I can only hang out with one of you at a time, because the others made some lame excuse not to come." Aimee started, pausing for a moment to admire a boy a few years older than them who walked past before she continued.

"So what happened?" Aimee finished, looking toward Maeve who avoided her gaze, giving a simple shrug of her shoulder. "People grow apart I guess."

"I know you like her."

Maeve almost choked on her cigarette but regained her composure. "Course I like her, we're mates Aimee, or we were anyway." Maeve withheld a small sigh, taking another drag of her cigarette as Aimee shook her head. "No, I know you like her." The girl emphasised, eyes burning holes into the side of Maeves head.

"No I don't, don't be daft." Maeve forced a chuckle, Aimee rolling her eyes unimpressed. "I might be dumb Maeve, but I'm not stupid. And if there is one thing I'm good at, its knowing about crushes." Aimee pushed, flicking away the butt of her cigarette and crossing her arms over her chest.

"I don't like her Aimes, not like that."


"Can we just drop it?"

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