Chapter XXXIX

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rambles; the fact they gave that ^ outfit literally no screen time KILLS ME because it's easily one of her best looks. Drop a vote and spam me with comments as you read besties 🥰

song; ✿ Telephones - Vacations ✿
(one of my faves atm, super calm 'self care night with your girlfriend' vibes, give it a listen!)

Chapter XXXIX

"When's my mum gonna be able to come and see Elsie?" Maeve questioned suddenly after taking a deep breath.

"She should be here now actually. Does she run late often?" Anna questioned calmly as she sipped on her tea, both Imogen and Maeves eyes widening at the question.

"Sorry. My mums coming here?" Maeve spat out in shock, Imogen choking on her own mouthful of tea at Anna's words. "Yeah, this is a family visit." Anna smiled seemingly a little surprised at Maeve's reaction.

"I assumed you two would have spoken?" Anna started but was interrupted as the doorbell rang, a clear indication that indeed Erin was here. "Hold that thought." Anna held up a finger and placed her mug of tea down on the table, making her way out of the room and toward the front door.

"Fuck." Maeve hissed, looking around as if one of the 'positivity cult posters' would hold an answer to her problem. "You wanted a chance to speak with her right?" Imogen offered with a slight grimace as she stood to her own feet, Maeve running a hand through her hair and shaking her head in disbelief.

"Yeah it's lovely to meet you. Can I come in or what?" Erins voice rang out loudly through the house as the front door could be heard shutting and Maeve's eyes widened further.

"No better time than the present?" Imogen bit her lip apprehensively as Maeve shook her head again, clumsily placing her tea down on the table beside Anna's and hurrying into the other room.

Before Imogen followed she grabbed the book which Maeve had been palming through, intending to ask Anna if it was alright she borrowed it. Imogen knew Maeve well enough to know she was clearly interested in reading it, but her pride stood in the way of accepting Anna's offer.

Plus if she had one of Anna's books, Maeve had a reason to have to come back to Anna's if everything went tits up right now like she feared it might.

"Where's my baby girl?" Erin sung out loudly, dropping to her knees to pull Elsie into a tight hug who yelled out happily as Imogen stepped back into the room, stopping beside Maeve who was standing awkwardly in the corner.

"Hi mum." Maeve blurted out suddenly, clenching and unclenching her fists nervously as she took a step forward, bracelets jingling as Erin looked up and the grin was wiped off her face, eyes narrowing into unimpressed slits.

"What's she doing here? She's the reason Elsie's even in this happy-clappy shithole!" Erin scoffed, Maeve rubbing her arm with a small frown. "Instead of being with me, her own flesh and blood." Erin plastered a big grin on her face, rubbing her nose with Elsie's who giggled.

"That's rude mum." Maeve sighed, eyes flickering apologetically to Anna for a second. "Rude? I'll tell you what's rude. Calling the police on your own mother! That's rude." Erin taunted with a glare, pulling Elsie tighter to her chest, eyes still glaring daggers at Maeve as Imogen watched on helplessly.

"Okay. I think I'm gonna come back another day." Maeve decided as she forced a tight lipped smile toward Anna, grabbing her jacket off the back of the chair on which she'd left it and making a quick beeline for the door.

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