♕• P. 15 •♕

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Third POV

The next day Denki woke up nice and early. He looked at the time to see that it was 5:17am, he groaned silently making sure not to wake up the other Omega.

Before he got out of the Omegas nest he grabbed a pillow to replace it so it was like he was sleeping with the greenette. Once that was done he got out of the nest and walked towards the door while rubbing his eyes to get rid of his sleep (the crusty stuff people get on the corner of their eyes if you didn't know).

He closed the door quietly before walking off to Kirishimas room.

He knocked onto the door three times then waited for the Alpha to open the door. But when the door didn't open he growled silently before opening the door himself, before closing it behind him and making his way over to the passed out red-head.

He got to the bed to see Kirishima on his back asleep. So Denki lifted up the blanket to get underneath and on top of Kirishima. But Instead he looked at what he was wearing, which was only dark red sweatpants, he moved his eyes upwards slightly to see the Alphas abs.

Denki started to blush.

He laid down on top of the 6'1 Alpha, wrapping his small arms around his waist while laying his head on the firm yet soft chest.

Kirishima opened his eyes slowly, looking down to see Denki with his eyes closed on his chest. Kirishima smirked before bringing one of his hands on Denkis ass cheek. Denki looked up with a pink flushed face when he felt Kirishima squeeze it.

Let's just say after that it escalated to them...you know- f u c k i n g or making l o v e.


- Back with Izuku -

Izuku woke up a few hour later. He looked at the time, it was 7:49am. He turned around in the nest only to now realise Denki wasn't there, Izuku looked i'm around his room to see if he was there somewhere or in the Bathroom having a shower but, he wasn't so Izuku stretched his back a bit before getting up to take a bath before his next wave would come.

But before he could go and start a bath his phone notifications kept going off. He looked towards his phone to see Uraraka texting their group chat.

- 𝙏𝙚𝙭𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 -
Best bitches 👀❤️

My Babies! Im sorry we haven't been talking! 🥺»

« Ura! You don't have to be sorry at all! We're all busy sometimes :)

Aww Baby! 🥺 You're too nice for this world 😭»

While Izuku was on his phone texting, he didn't realise someone knocked on his door

Sorry I didnt answer..I was doing something! »

Hm~ and what was this 'Soemthign' huh? Where you ✨Fucking✨ 😏 »


While Izuku was distracted from his phone, his door opened quietly as someone came into the room while closing the door quietly behind them.

« You we're probably with Kiri~

Y'all totally fucked~»

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