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Third POV

Bakugo made his way over to the greenette, he watched how the Omegas body moved to the music. He was memorised on how the Omegas body could move, on his way over to the Omega he kept his eyes on him.

Once he got behind the Omega, the Omega stopped and sniffed the air. He turned around only to see crimson red eyes staring back into his emerald pools, "Oh hey! Didn't think I'd see you here Alpha," Izuku said as he danced, Bakugo smirked slightly, "I could say the same about you Omega," Izuku giggled slightly, "I'm Izuku, Midoriya Izuku," he stopped dancing putting a hand out for a hand shake, "Yeah I know, i'm Katsuki, Bakugo Katsuki," Bakugo shook the Omegas hand, the Omegas then started to face again to the music, "Oh yeah I know that! Uraraka, the brunette, and Denki, the blonde, told me about you while we were driving here," Izuku smiled, as Katsuki smirked.

"Oh~? You were talking about me~" he teased, Izuku went pink, "N-not like that! I was telling them how I found Katsuma!" Izuku smiled, while Bakugo nodded his head, "Cmon you're on the dance floor you may as well dace with me, Bakugo," Izuku put a hand out to Katsuki, and of course he took it pulling Izuku closer to him, "So..why are you here tonight?" Izukus breath hitched slightly, "Well...the Alpha I was with cheated on me with one of my close friends, so Uraraka and Denki took me here to have some fun!" Bakugo listened to he Omega, Bakugo then bent down to Izukus ear "No Alpha should cheat on a pretty Omega as yourself," This made Izuku shiver slightly, while turning red, "Hm~? Really~?" He teased, Bakugo nodded his head, "Yeah, who ever would leave a pretty Omega like you is fucking stupid," Bakugo Smirked, Izuku blushed slightly, "Yeah he was a stupid Alpha but he was also good, to bad he cheated on me, Oh well," Izuku shrugged his shoulders, "I'm better," Bakugo mummed, "Hm? What was that?" Izuku asked, "Nothing, Nothing at all," Izuku nodded his head happily, and started dancing with Bakugo.

While both of them were dancing the music changed so Bakugo decided to change Izukus position. He turned the Omega around so his ass was against his crotch, Izuku looked back at Katsuki with a smirk, before they both started to move their hips to the music. Katsuki put his hands onto the Omegas hips while they danced, he bent down toward the Omegas ear, "Want to go grab a drink?" Izuku shivered at the deep voice, "Yeah, for sure," they both stopped dancing and made their way over to the bar, "Can I get two (name of alcohol)" the bartender nodded their head, and started to make their drinks.

Bakugo faced Izuku, "You know,, I wasn't hoking when I said you were pretty," Izuku stared at the Alpha, "Hm~ You're not bad looking yourself~" Izuku winked, before giggling slightly, he started to let out some happy pheromones, this made Bakugo smile as he watched Izuku.

Bakugo was about to talk to Izuku again but before he could a half white and half red haired Alpha approached Izuku, "What are you doing here Izuku?" This made Izuku jump he turned around and saw his ex, "I'm here to have fun I don't need your cheating ass near me!" Izuku growled slightly, "She came on to me Cmon don't just leave me like that!" Izuku sighed, "I did leave you so get out of my face, you stupid Alpha!" Bakugo watched as everything unfolded, he was going to let everything play out to see how the Omega can look after himself, that was before he saw Todoroki about to grab Izuku. He pulled Izuku out of his seat and into his lap, "He said to get out of his face," Bakugo said with dominance pheromones seething off of him, "And who are you?" The other Aplha Asked with a hint of venom behind it, "I'm Bakugo Katsuki. A better Alpha then you." This made Todoroki flip out, he started to growl at Bakugo, "Give me back Izuku!" Izuku whimpered from the amount of dominant pheromones coming off the two of them, "No, as you can see you're making him Uncomfortable, so leave!" He bared his teeth slightly.

Todoroki looked back at Izuku then Katsuki before scrolling, "Fine.." but before he left he said, "I liked fucking your close friend Izuku," Todoroki walked away from the Omega and other Alpha. Bakugo looked down at the Omega that was on his lap, he started to let out calming pheromones seeing as Izuku was startled, "Don't worry, he shouldn't have the roll of an Alpha," Bakugo murmured against he greenettes hair. After a few minutes Izuku looked up at Bakugo, "Thank you..." Bakugo looked back at Izuku smirking, "It's no problem, just looking out for an my Omega," he whispered the last part t the point you couldn't hear it, and luckily for him Izuku didn't hear him.

"C-can I get out of you lap..?" Izuku asked, Bakugo nodded his head placing the Omega back in his original seat, "Say, weren't you living with that half 'n half bastard?" Izuku nodded his head, "Yeah, I was but when I found his cheating on me, Uraraka and Denki packed all of my stuff for me, so my belongings are in Urarakas car," Bakugo looked at Izuku, "Why don't you live with me? I mean, you can have your own sound Proof and smell proof bed room, with a walk in wardrobe, bathroom,and things for your heats," Izuku stopped and thought about, 'Maybe I should live with him...I don't want to annoy Denki...Wait Denki! I could get him to come like with me as well..' Izuku looked back at Bakugo, "Okay, I'll live with you, but Denki has to move in as well," Izuku crossed his arms, Bakugo paused for a second before nodding his head, "Ok, i'm sure he would like to come live at my house. But is he an Omega as well? Just so we can know if he'll need Omegan thing's as-well," Izuku nodded his head happily, "Yeah he's an Omega like me!"
He smiled, Bakugo started at the Omega, "You have a lovely smile..." Izuku snapped his head towards Katsuki, before blushing, "I-I Uhm T-Thank you..," Izuku hid his face into his hands, Bakugo chuckled, before getting up patting Izuku on his head, "Well pick you up tomorrow if your friend and you would like?" Izuku nodded, "Yes that would be nice," "Ok which house should I get my driver to pick yourself and your friend up?" Izuku got out his phone, and opened it then handed it towards bakugo, "Here put your number in it so I can text it to you!" Bakugo smirked taking his phone, then putting his number in.

After he finished putting his number in and changing his contact name he handed it back. Izuku took the phone back and looked at the name bakugo gave himself.

Izuku blushed as he saw the name  'My Alpha🥴❤️' Izuku looked at Bakugo with a red face. Katsuki smirked at the Omega, "Make sure to text me the details later, I have to leave now," Izuku nodded his head, "Bye Katsuki!" Bakugo waved, "Bye Omega." And with that Bakugo left the Clab.

After Bakugo left Izuku stayed for a few more minutes before calling his friends asking if they could leave, of course they answered with a yes.

They all left the club to Denkis house first, then Urarak drove off towards her own house. Once Izuku put all of his stuff into the guest room, he walked towards Denkis room, "Hey Denks?" "Yeah Izu?" Izuku looked at Denki, "Sooo~ I may or may have not gotten asked to move in with Bakugo," Denki then had a look of shock on his face, "Really?!" Izuku nodded his head, "But I only said yes if you would like to come as well," Denki happily nodded his head, "Oh hell yeah! That hot red head lives there," Izuku giggled, "Okay I'll inform him, that you'll move in as well. Also he's picking us up tomorrow morning," Izuku said while walking out of the room. Once he left the room he heard a squeal, along with heads of shuffling, Izuku giggled at his friend.

Izuku made his way back to the guest room only to flop onto the bed, but before he could fall asleep he remembered that he had to text the Alpha Katsuki, even though he was just talking about it with Denki.

- 𝙏𝙚𝙭𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 -
My Alpha🥴❤️

« Hi Bakugo! It's Izuku, here's where you can pick my friend and I up;
-XX- at -XXXX- street.
Have a goodnight Bakugo :)


- 𝙊𝙛𝙛 𝙏𝙚𝙭𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 -

And with that Izuku put his phone down, putting it on charge, before Falling asleep.


Hi, that chapter three! Hope you liked it
Sorry if there are any spelling/grammar mistakes

To be continued~

- Words: 1517 -

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