♕• P. 21 •♕

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~ bunch of time skips in this so it may be all over the place :p ~

This POV

Izuku woke up early in the morning, rushing out of the blondes arms straight, to the bathroom. Katsuki woke up after he felt the Omega leave his arms. He was kind of alarmed when he saw Izuku jump out of bed and rushing to the bathroom.

Katsuki got out of bed to the Bathroom to see Izuku throwing up in the toilet. Bakugo came next to the Omega, rubbing his back, and cooing.

After a bit of Izuku throwing up Katsuki sat on the ground behind him letting Izuku rest agains him while he breathed heavily.

"You alright...?" Katsuki asked softly while rubbing at Izukus sides.

"...yeah...i'm fine..." Izuku said quietly.

Katsuki and Izuku sat in the bathroom for a bit until Izuku felt a bit better.

After Izuku felt better Katsuki helped him up from the flooring, and walked him back to the bed.

"Do you feel hungry?" Katsuki asked while sitting next to Izuku.

"Hmm yeah! I really want pancakes...with peanut butter and ice cream with pickles!" Izuku smiled at his Alpha.


"..Ok..So pancakes, peanut butter, and ice cream with pickles..?"

Izuku nodded his head with a smile.


Katsuki chuckled, grabbing Izukus face and kissing him forehead.

"I'll be back Princess." Katsuki smile when he saw Izuku nod his head happily.

After a few minutes of Katsuki being out of the room, Izuku started to feel sad, wanting his Alpha with him.

He got out of the bed and to the bedroom door.

He then walked down the hallway, down the stairs and to the kitchen to see the ash blonde cooking him his food. Izuku then got up behind him and wrapped his arms around Katsukis waist making him jump slightly.

He turned around and looked at Izuku with a smile.

"Hey, why are you up?"

"I wanted to be with you..."

"I would've been in the room with in 8 minutes.."

"Nuh-uh that's too long..!" Izuku whined

"Okay okay! Now go sit down it's nearly ready." Izuku nodded his head happily.

Izuku let go of the alpha, and walked to th table. He pulled out a chair, sitting on it.

Izuku smiled when he saw Katsuki come out with his pancakes, peanut butter, and ice cream with pickles.

Katsuki placed it down in from of Izuku, smiling happily upon seeing Izukus eyes brighten.

"I'll be back ok? I'm going to go check on Katsuma." Izuku nodded before taking a bite of his pancakes.

"Mmm~" Izuku smiled while chewing.

Katsuki left the kitchen,  walking up the stairs and to Katsumas room. He opened the door slowly to see his spunky asleep.

He closed the door softly before taking out his phone and shooting Mina a message, asking her to buy some pregnancy tests. He had a suspicion that Izuku may be pregnant after his rut, but he could also tell from Izukus sent. It's changed slightly but not dramatically.

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