♔• P. 18 •♔

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Third POV

Izuku woke up early in the morning to get ready for work. But he was stopped by a pair of muscular arms wrapped around his waist.

"Mmm..Stay.." Bakugo said in his husky morning voice. Izuku felt a shiver go down his spine when Bakugo talked.

"Kat..I can't I have work today.." Izuku tried to get out of his grasp again.

"Mmm..No.." Izuku sighed.

"Yes. Now Kat let me get up.." Bakugo grumbled, still not letting go of the Omega.

"Hmph..you're staying.." Izuku sighed heavily.

"I said I can't.." Bakugo unwrapped one of his arms from Izukus waist, still keeping his other arm around him, tightening it slightly making sure he couldn't move. Katsuki then grabbed his phone and texted someone, before putting it back down and wrapping his arm back around Izukus waist. Nuzzling his face into Izukus side.

"Hmm..now you're staying.." Katsuki smiled slightly, as he looked up at Izukus green emerald eyes.

Izuku smiled a small smile before laying back down, and hugging Katsuki back. Katsuki turned onto his back bringing Izuku on to his chest. Izuku smiled, looking up at the red eyes that were looking back down at him. Bakugo brought on of his hands up to Izukus head, before gently running his hands through his green locks.

Izuku hummed, liking the feeling of someone running their hands through his hair. Katsuki watched the Omega lean into his hand slightly.

"...Izu..." Bakugo mummered. Izuku looked back up at the Alpha.


"Uh- a few days back I got you some more jewellery..." Izuku stared at Bakugo.

"W-What?! Why?" Izuku asked shocked.

"Well because...I love you..." Bakugo mumbled the last part.

"What?" Izuku tilted his head.

"U-Uh Nothing.."

"Okay!" Katsuki got up from his spot from the bed, and walked into his walk in wardrobe. Before coming out with a small bag.

"Here.." Bakugo handed the small back to Izuku.

Izuku took the small bag out of Katsukis hand, before opening it. He looked inside to see a small box. He reached his hand in, grabbing the small box before pulling it out.

He looked up at Katsuki who was watching every move.

He looked back down at the small box before opening it to see some different rings and a small golden necklace. His eyes widened., before looking back up at Katsuki.

"..Did you really buy me all of this..?" Izuku asked quietly. Bakugo nodded his head.

"Yeah I did... I-If you don't like it I can go get new on-!" Bakugo was cut off buy a pair of lips connecting with his own. He calmed down before kissing back, wrapping his arms around Izukus small slim waist. Izuku moaned slightly when he felt Katsuki tongue enter his mouth.

Izuku wrapped his arms around Katsuki neck while sitting in his lap.

They both continued to make-out until it started to get heated.

Katsuki moved down to Izukus neck, sucking on his skin leaving hickeys around his neck and collar bone. Izuku moved his head to the side slightly giving Katsuki more space. He moaned when Bakugo sucked on a certain spot, Bakugo looked up at Izuku with a smirk before going back down to his neck, leaving more hickeys.

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