°• P. 6 •°

14.9K 441 254

Third POV - When they got into the mall -

Izuku was giving Katsuma a piggy bag ride while himself and Katsuki walked around, "Where do you want to go first, Mr. Alpha?" Izuku asked as he walked right besides Bakugo, "We'll go to the shop I get all my clothes from,"
{ I don't know which shop so.. :/ }
Izuku thought about it for a few seconds, "Wait what no! Where you get your clothes are expensive!" Bakugo shrugged, "I don't care, I'll happily use my money for you~" Izuku blushed. Katsuma who was on Izukus back felt a hint of jealousy, "Pretty Omega?" Izuku tilted his pink-ish face, "Yes bub?" Now it was Katsukis turn to be jealous, "Can we get matching outfits..?" Izuku brightened up, "Yeah! That would be so cute!" Bakugo watched his pup with jealousy filled eyes, 'Stupid pup..' Bakugo sighed.

This caught Izukus attention, "You ok..?" Bakugo looked over at Izuku with a small smirk that was nearly unnoticeable, "Yeah i'm fine, just thinking of something," "Oh yah, and that is?" Izuku tilted his head, Bakugo came closer to the Omega and whispered in his ear, "You being my Omega." Izuku squeaked, as his face when red. Bakugo chuckled with a smirk as he watched Izuku get flustered, he then looked ahead of them to see, the shop he gets his clothes from.

Once they were near the store Bakugo stopped walking, Izuku noticed this and stopped as well. He looked at Katsuki with a confused look, "We're here Izuku," Izuku turned his head to where the shop is, he then turned back towards Katsuki, "Come on Omega, Let's go inside," Izuk nodded his head, "Okay!" Izuku then proceeded to put Katsuma onto the he ground so he could walk. Izuku then started to follow Bakugo into the store, while Katsuma grabbed onto his hand. Izuku looked at Katsuma with his bright smile, before looking back at Katsuki.

Bakugo looked at Izuku, "Come over to this section I think you'll like the clothing styles over here," "Okay, lead the way," Bakugo did so an lead the way towards the clothing.

"You can get whatever you want," Katsuki said as he looked at Izuku and his pup whilst Izuku was looking at the clothes, "A-Are you sure..? I mean it's pretty expensive.." Bakugo then proceeded to tell Izuku wa she was very certain about him picking whatever clothing he wanted.

After a few minutes he told Izuku that he was going to go get some food for them, Izuku told him 'Alright, we'll stay here in the store,' Bakugo left after asking what Izukus favourite food was, to which he answered with Katsudon. After asking what they wanted he left the store to go order some food.


- With Izuku and Katsuma in the clothing store - Izukus POV

I watched as Katsuma looked through the matching clothing section, "Ooo~ Mam- I-I mean Izu! Can- Can we get this one, so we're matching!" I giggled at Katsuma nearly called me 'Mama,'  "Yeah sure! I love the colour of it," the clothing colour of the clothing was a light blue with black. I pick up the outfits of our size, before hanging them over my forearm.

As we were going around the store we found another 4 different outfits so we could match, we got; a Red and white one, a Light green with Dark green, a purple and blue, a black and orange.

After we picked out them 4 outfits I went over to where the fishnet stockings were, and yes I like to cross dress sometimes. While I was going over to that section I heard someone following Katsuma and I, I turn my head to see a 6' tall Alpha. He was staring at me hungrily, and letting out Alpha pheromones. I whimpered silently, I stared at the Alpha who was walking towards Katsuma and I, I started to let out distressed pheromone, "What are you doing here all alone Omega?" I pushed Katsuma behind me as we backed up from the Alpha, "I-I'm not a-alone! They j-just went t-to go get f-food!" The unknown Alpha started to walk closer to Katsuma and I, "Oh, really? How do I know your not lying," "W-We're not!" I said whimpering, as Katsuma hid his face into my leg.

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