°• P. 8 •°

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Third POV

"Oh? So you did come." Izuku nodded his head, staring at the 6'3 Alpha who was just sitting on his bed Shirtless with sweatpants on, "Yeah, I only came later because Denki's in heat so I had to get Kirishima...Denki wanted him, and I went to go check on Katsuma," Izuku smiled, Bakugo smiled slightly at the sight of the Omega smiling, "Ok, well I wanted to talk to you about multiple thing's. First is when's your head? I know it's a personal question for most Omegas, but i'm only asking because we have heaps of Alphas around the mansion."

Izuku thought about it for a second before sighing, "My heat should be in a couple of days.." he looked off to the side, "Alright will you need anything? Like toys?" Izuku blushed, "N-No! I don't do t-that! I just leave it until it's over.." Bakugo raised his eyebrow, "So,, you've never been pleasured before?" Izuku became more red, "N-No I have n-not.." Bakugo got up from his seat on his bed and made his way over to Izuku.

Izuku watched the Alphas every move as he made his way towards him. Izuku took a few steps everytime Katsuki came closer to him. As Izuku moved each time he finally ended up hitting the wall, as Bakugo trapped him between himself and the wall, he wrapped his muscular arms around the Omegas waist, pulling him in closer to him to there body's were flushed against eachother.

"W-What are you d-doing..?" Izuku asked while his hands were against Katsukis large chest, Bakugo leaned in closer to Izukus ear ignoring the question Izuku asked him, "Let me court you." Izuku looked at him shocked, "Y-You want to what..?" "I want to court you, let me do it. I'll treasure you, Cherish you," He said while staring into the Omegas big green eyes, "...And I'll love you....not like I already do..." Bakugo grumbled, Izuku looked down before sighing, he looked back up at the Alpha, "W-Why would you want to court me...I-I mean...Todoroki cheated on m-me..." Bakugo stared with sadness in his eyes, "Well..If I court you, I won't ever leave you for a different Omega. Plus you're the one who caught my son and my eyes" Izukus eyes started to tear up, "B-But i'm not good enough..." Bakugo started to smell sad pheromones, to which made him let out calming ones.

He picked up Izuku, who yelped before wrapping his arms and legs around the tall ash-blonde, so he wouldn't fall. Bakugo placed his hands under the Omegas thighs while he walked over to his bed.

"W-What are you doing..!" Bakugo ignored him as he sat down on his bed then laid down with Izuku on his chest, "You're sleeping with me tonight." "N-No i'm not!" Izuku tried to get up but was stopped by Katsukis strong arms. Bakugo then started to let out more pheromones, which made Izuku tired, he started to relax into Bakugos arms that were still around his waist.

Bakugo waited for Izuku to calm down a bit more. After a couple of minutes Izuku calmed down, "Why are you doing this..." Izuku said softly, Bakugo kissed the top of Izukus head lightly while saying, "Becuase..I care for you.." After he said that he heard Izukus breath even out, bakugo looked down and saw him asleep with a small smile plastered on his face. Bakugo smiled at the sleeping Omega on his chest, before turning slowly so he was on his side, and so he could move Izuku onto the bed.

Izuku snuggled into Katsukis chest while Bakugo tightened his arms around him lightly. Bakugo closed his eyes, as he burrowed his head into the greenettes hair, and before he knew it sleep took over him.

• • • • • • • • •

Izuku woke up to something nice and warm underneath him, he nuzzled his head into it, only for a small chuckle to be heard. He lifted his head up while opening his eyes, as he rested chin on the warm figure. Once he opened his eyes he made eye contact with a ash-blonde, Izukus eyes widened, before blinking again staring at the red eyes man who had a small smirk of his face. Izuku quickly shot up from, making him straddle Bakugo, "W-Why was I on you?" Bakugo chuckled lowly, "I asked you to come over yesterday remember?" He said while sitting up straight with Izuku facing him in his lap, "W-Well yes I do remember that..." Izuku thought about what happened again, he groaned, "I should have just went to my bed.." Izuku grumbled.

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