♕• P. 13 •♕

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+* Smutty stuff further on *+

Third POV ~ Time skip a day and a half

Katsuki was having a cold shower, why might you ask? Well he was hard. That's the only way I can put it.

He just finished helping Izukus heat calm down for a little bit, then he'll help him again.

Bakugo sighed, 'it's starting to get harder to hold back my instincts...' he ran his hand through his now damp hair.

He shook his head slightly before turning off the shower and hopping out, getting an towel wrapping it around his waist and around his shoulders (for his hair).

Katsuki walked out of the shower (that was attached to Izukus room) to see Izuku whining, 'shit..Already? Another wave..' When Izuku spotted Katsuki he whined again, "Mmm- P-Please help~" Izuku rubbed his legs together.

"Okay Baby I'll help you, just give me a second to get dressed," Katsuki quickly grabbed some clothes that he had left in Izukus room. He got changed into Black sweat pants and a black tank top.

He walked back over to Izuku, and started to rub his back up and down, while he was starting to breathe more heavily from the amount of pheromones Izuku started to let out...

~ ꧁꧂ ~

- With Denki in his room with Kirishima-
~Still Third POV~

Denki was laying down on his bed with Kirishima next to him watching TV in his room. Denki wasn't really paying attention to the news until he heard the name 'Bakugo' he looked up from his phone to see pictures of Izuku, Katsuma, and Katsuki up on the TV.

"Not too long ago Katsuki Bakugo was seen out side of -xxx- Mall with his Pup Katsuma Bakugo, and a young Green haired Omega. People are suspecting that the Omega is Bakugo's boyfriend, and mother of Katsuma." The news reporter said while the pictures of the three where changing,

"Here's a small video we were able to get on the small Omega"

After that was said a short video clip was shown of Izuku holding Katsuma with Bakugo wrapping one arm around his waist, while they were walking into the mall doors.

"Now on to the weather forecast for the week,"

Kirishima looked at Denki while Denki, "Should we go tell Bakugo..?"

Denki shook his head, "No stupid. He's in heat right now, didn't Bakugo tell you?"

Kirishima stared at Denki before nodding his head, "Yep you're right I forgot." Denki facepalmed before shaking his head.

"...Let's just watch a movie."

Kirishima nodded his head, "Okay Babe!" Denki blushed, "Stupid Alpha.." Denki grumbled.

~ ꧁꧂ ~

-Back with Katsuki and Izuku-
~ Third POV~

Bakugo tried to calm down his breathing, but nothing was working.

"O-Omega...It's getting r-really hard...to hold b-back.." Bakugos breath hitched.

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