♔• P. 16 •♔

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Third POV ~ (Izuku's out of his heat now) ~
{ I realised I forgot to add Bakugo changed Izuku and himself last chapter so pretend they're both dressed in Pyjamas :) }

Bakugo woke up to something slightly heavy on top of him. He looked down to see a bush of green, he smiled upon seeing Izukus happily snuggled onto his chest.

'I got work today..' Bakugo sighed. He gently picked up Izuku from his chest, moving him onto the bed.

When he got out of the bed he felt a stinging on his back. He raised his eyebrow before walking over to the bathroom. When he walked in he turned to the mirror then faced his back to it. Bakugos eyes widen when he saw the scratch marks along his back, 'Damn..he must have sharp nails..'

Katsuki then left the bathroom closing it softly behind him making sure to not wake up the still asleep Omega, before walking towards the door, opening it quietly and closing it behind him.

He started to make his way to his pups room to see if he was still asleep. While walking down to the hallway to the pups room he hear moaning. He turned his head to the door further down the hall- it was Kirishimas room..

'Loud asses- I should of made all of the rooms sound proof, but just the Omegan rooms.' Sighing he walked to his sons room, knocking lightly before opening it and closing behind him.

He looked towards the bed to see Katsuma still asleep. Bakugo smiled as he walked up to the sleeping pup, bending down slightly before he started to sent him.

While he was senting Katsuma he heard a sort of purr coming from the boy. He looked down at the boys face to see him with a small but noticeable smile.

After he finished senting him he gently nudged the kid to wake up. Katsuma grumbled slightly while opening his eyes slowly.

"Morning brat,"

"Mm- M-Morning old man," Bakugos eyes twitched slightly from being called old.

"Who are you calling old?! I'm only 23!" Katsuma giggled,

"Anyway- you'll be coming to work with me again today,"

"C-Can't I stay here with Mama- I-I mean! Izu!" Katsuki smiled at the thought of Izuku being Katsumas Mother,

"Hmm, I suppose you could stay with him today if he's not working," Katsuma nodded his head with a big grin on his face, he jumped out of his bed towards his door. Opening the door he ran down the hallway to Izukus room before opening the door slowly.

Bakugo who just watched his son run out of the room sighed happily before going to his bed room to change into a black suit.


Katsuma walked into Izukus room very quietly making sure not to make any noises. He closed the door behind him hearing a soft 'click,' he turned back around looking towards the Omegas bed before walking over to the side that the Omega was on.

He got to the side of the bed to see the peaceful asleep omega. Reaching his hand out hesitantly towards the freckled boys hair. When his hand made contact with the green bush he noticed Izuku starting to lean into his touch while he was running his small fingers through Izukus green curls.

While Katsuma was running his small hands through Izukus hair he started to stir. Katsuma stopped his hand movements and stopped waiting for the Omega to wake up.

Izuku woke up to a small figure it had spiky ash-blonde hair. He let his eyes adjust to the lighting in the room before staring at the small ash-blonde.

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