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Third POV -When Katsuki left the club-

Bakugo had just left the club with Mina and Kirishima. Kirishima was drunk, while Mina was just tipsy. Katsuki sighed as he watched the road.

After a few silent minutes the drunk Kirishima started talking, "Y-Y'know that blonde o-omega I was with?" Kirishima hiccuped, "Yeah what about him, shitty hair," "He~ was the most perfect Omega I've ever seen~" Bakugo stared at the red haired Alpha through the preview mirror, "Okay shitty hair let's get you home."

While Bakugo was nearly home he started to think about the green haired Omega, 'Hope his friend says yes,' Bakugo sighed. A few more minutes later he could see his house in the distance, he started to drive faster.

Once he got to the gates of his house the guards let him in. He parked his car out the front of the house doors, "Alright you Idiots get up!" Mina and Kirishima got up and out of the car quickly, before opening up the house doors. Bakugo walked in after the Other two, he closed the door behind him, he turned around looking towards the stairs.

He started to walk towards the stairs to his Pups room to make sure he was still sleeping, with each step he took going up the stairs he listened to everything in the house as it was really quiet. Once he got to the top of the stairs he saw Katsumas door slightly open with light coming out from the gap. Bakugo walked to the room door and opened it, to see Katsuma sitting on his bed drawing, "Hey Bud, why're you still up? You should be asleep still," Katsuki said as he sat on Katsumas bed, "W-Well I had a nightmare...So then I thought about drawing...Wanna see it..?" Bakugo nodded his head, "Yeah let's see it," Katsuma handed over the drawing, "Thats you-" he pointed to the first person, "- That's me-" he pointed to the second figure, "-And this one is the green haired Omega I like!" Katsuma said happily, "Yeah I like that Omega as well Katsuma, so you~ can't have him!" Bakugo said looking towards his pup only to see him looking at him with a determined look, "No! He's mine!" Bakugo and Katsuma started bickering on who's Omega Izukus is, that was until Katsuma gave Katsuki a weird look.

"What?" Katsuma came closer to his Father before sniffing him, "You smell like the Omega..." Bakugo smirked, "Well yes I do, because I saw him before," Katsuma looked at Katsuki with an betrayed look, "You went and saw my Omega without me?!" Katsuki smirked widened, "Yes, Yes I did. And he's not your Omega he's going to be mine." Katsuma shook is head, "Nu-uh, he's going to be my Omega! Mine!" Bakugo shook his head, "Get some sleep brat, I'll see you in the morning ok?" "Stupid...dumb father.." Katsuma mumbled.

Bakugo looked over the drawing, before he left, he started to smile seeing the drawing his son drew, "Do you want to give Izuku this drawing?" He nodded his head, "Yes!" "Ok, when you see him again you can give it to him ok?" He nodded his head once again before yawning, "Tired?" "Yeah.." Bakugo got up from where he was sitting and tucked in Katsuma, "Ok, goodnight Katsuma, I'll see you in the morning." Katsuma said his goodnights back to his father before falling asleep.

Bakugo left his pups room, and went back to his own room ready to sleep, but before he could he got a message from an unknown number. He checked to see who it was and it was his Omega.

- 𝙏𝙚𝙭𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 -
My Omega🥵👀

My Omega🥵👀:
Hi Bakugo! It's Izuku, here's where you can pick my friend and I up;
-XX- at -XXXX- street.
Have a goodnight Bakugo :) »

« Ok, I'll send a driver to pick your friend and yourself up tomorrow morning. I'll see you then.

-𝙊𝙛𝙛 𝙏𝙚𝙭𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 -

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