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Third POV -With Katsuki after Izuku left-

When Izuku left for work Katsuma frowned at his father, he growled slightly, Bakugou raised an eye brown, "Did you just growl at me!" Katsuma growled again, "Yes I did! I told you Izuku is MINE!" Bakugo growled back, "No, he's going to be MINE! You're too young to have him!" Katsuma grumbled, that's right when Katsuki remembered Izuku telling Katsuma to be good, "Do you want me to tell Izuku that you've been bad?" Katsuma turned to his father, "NO!" Bakugo smirked, "Then be good, and I won't tell him that you've been bad," Katsuma nodded his head, "Ok ok, fine!" Bakugo smirk widened, "Good, now let's go get ready i'm taking you to work," Katsuma nodded his head happily, before walking off to his room with Bakugo following behind him.

Bakugo helped Katsuma get dressed, before he went to his own room and got dressed into a black suit with a red under buttoned up shirt. Bakugo walked out of his room to see Mina and Kirishima with his pup. Bakugo looked towards his pup as he was being held by Mina, Kirishima turned his head up wards smelling the air. He then turned his head towards Katsuki with a big smile on his face, "Good morning Bakubro!" "I keep telling you not to call me that shitty hair!" Bakugo sneered, "HEY! Language around the pup!" Mina yelled angrily towards Bakugo, "Yeah bro, watch your language around Katsubro!" Bakugo grumbled, "Hurry up! Monoma is driving us to work today, because Flex tape is driving Izuku." Kirishima nodded his head before walking towards the front door and opening it for Mina as she held Katsuma, and for Bakugo.

Once they all went though the door he walked though the door way, closing and locking the door behind him. Mina put Katsuma to the car, before she got in along with Bakugo and Kirishima, "You know where we're going copycat?" Monoma laughed at Bakugo, "Of course I do! We're going to your work place," Katsuki grunted, "Yeah, we are so get moving!" "Gee so bossy~" Monoma teased, "Shut up before I fire you." Monoma nodded his head before starting the car and driving off to Bakugos work.


-With Izuku at work- (Still Third POV)

Izuku was at the front where the cash register is, he was helping a young man buy a wedding ring for his Omega, "Okay, that will be $1,124!" Izuku smiled at the man, the man smiled happily back before taking out his card and paying. Izuku waited for the money to go through, once it did he package everything before handing it over to the young man, "Here you go, have a wonderful day! And good luck!" The man smiled, "Thank you sir!" And with that he left the store.

Izuku then moved around the store looking to see if anyone needed help, "Midoriya!" Izuku turned around looking at Iida, "Yes Iida?" Iida motioned him over, Izuku nodded his head as he made his way over to the dark blue haired man.

"Can you please help this young man?" Izuku nodded his head before turning around to face the customer, but stopped when he saw a two toned male. Izuku eyes widened slightly, "U-Uhm how c-can I help y-you toda-y" Izuku stuttered, "Actually I wanted to talk to you," Izuku shook his head, "S-Sorry i'm here t-to work, not to t-talk to people." Izuku then turned around leaving the Alpha there by himself. Izuku heard Todoroki growl from frustration as he walked away, but he didn't care knowing that Todoroki will leave soon, so he went back to work helping people out.

After 15 minutes of Todoroki just waiting to talk to Izuku, Asui came over to Todoroki and started talking. Izuku got curious on what they were talking about but decided not to interfere. Izuku then went to the back of the store for his lunch break after helping multiple people.

As he was eating his food his phone got a notification, he picked up his phone to see who sent him something, and to his surprise it was Bakugo, 'Heh going to be able to stay away from me my ass' Izuku laughed a small laugh before opening his phone.

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