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Izukus POV

Today was Todoroki and I's 2 year anniversary today! I'm super excited for our dinner date. Right now i'm out getting groceries from the supermarket, and I was getting more suppressors and sent blockers.

As I was walking around the store to find more groceries, I got an notification,, it was Todoroki:


- 𝙏𝙚𝙭𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 -

Todoroki <3:
Hey babe, are you ready for our date tonight? »

« Hey Todo! Yes i'm really excited for tonight!

Todoroki <3:
Great..I just wanted to let you know I might be a little late for the date, I just need to take care of some thing's at work. »

« That's okay! I'll wait for you there :) I love you!
Read at 11:37AM

- 𝙊𝙛𝙛 𝙏𝙚𝙭𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 -


I looked down at my phone before sighing slightly, putting my phone away. I go back to walking around the store, before bumping into what felt like a brick wall, I look up too see a tall brown haired man with yellow eyes, {Btw Izuku is around 5'5 in this and Katsuki will be 6'3} "I-I'm so s-so sorry for bumping into you s-sir!" I bowed standing slight, only to feel his hand on my head patting it. I look up into his yellow eyes, "Hey, don't worry kid, it was an accident, right?" I nod my head, "Yes, but i'm still sorry," he shook his head slightly, while chuckling, "Well kid I gotta get going, so try to not bump into anyone alright?" I nod my head again, "Okay I'll try! Bye." I waved my hand at him as he left.

I looked down at my shopping basket to see if I got everything that I needed. Once I was sure I did have everything I went to the cashier to buy the groceries.

"Do you want a bag miss?" The cashier said looking at me, 'Did she just call me miss..? Do I really look that feminine?' "U-Uhm yes please, a-am i'm a male not a female.." I giggled slightly rubbing the back on my neck, "Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to!" I wave my hand, "No it's okay! It's not a big deal!" I smile at her, making her calm down, she (cashier) put all my groceries into a bag for me, "Okay, that will be $27.50" she smiled, I took my card out, and gave it to her. Once the money went through she gave my card back to me, "Thank you! Have a good day!" I said to the cashier as I left, "You too, Sir!"

I walked out of the shop towards my car. As I walked to my car I saw a little boy, he had ash-blonde curly-Spiked hair with crimson red eyes, they were a really pretty colour.

I saw that he was crying, that made my Omega instincts go crazy, so I walked toward the small boy. Once I got to him I crouched down in front of him, "Hey...What's wrong?" I said letting out calming pheromones, he looked at me with teary eyes as he started to calm down, "Do you want a hug..?" I said opening up my arms slightly the small boy jumped into my arms holding onto my tightly, he nuzzled his head into my sent glands breathing in my calming pheromones, "So what's your name Baby?" I rubbed his back in a circular motion, he then muttered his name quietly but I got it, "M-m-my names K-K-Katsuma..." "well Katsuma, you have a very petty name, have you ever been told that?" He shook his head (no), "Well I guess i'm the first!"

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