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- With Izuku when he just got into the car -

Third POV

"So Izuku babe, what did this TodoBitch do? I know you already told us over text but I want to hear it again," Izuku nodded his head to Uraraka. He began to explain everything on what happened and how he helped Katsuma.

"Aww you helped a pup? What did he look like?!" Denki asked happily, as he turned around in his seat to look at Izuku who was sitting in the back seat (Uraraka was Driving), Izuku giggled at his friend, "Okay okay, he had ash-blonde hair, crimson red eyes, he looked around 4 years old.." He looked back at Denki to see him with his jaw open, he then glanced at Uraraka, and she had her mouth gaped open slightly as well.

Izuku looked at both of them as he tilted his head slightly, before he was about to ask what was wrong Denki asked him a question, "DID YOU SEE A TALL ASH-BLONDE HAIRED MAN?!" Izuku looked at him before nodding his head, "Yes I did see an ash-blonde but i'm not sure if he was tall, because he was sitting down at a table, he also paid for my food bill which was nice of him," Denki then looked even more shocked and looked toward Uraraka.

"No-" Izuku looked at Uraraka with a raised eyebrow,

"God-" He looked at Denki with the same face,

"Damn-" he then started looking back and forth between two of his best friends,

"WAY!!" This made him jump and cover his ears,

"YOU SAW BAKUGO KATSUKI AND HIS SON!?" Uraraka squealed, "Wait you mean Katsuma is Bakugo Katsukis pup..?" They both nodded their head eagerly.

"I'm not going to lie he is good looking.."

"OH HELL YEAH HE'S GOOD LOOKING!" Denki said (yelled), "but have you seen his workers, he has red hair, it's spi-" he was cut off by Izuku, "You mean Kirishima Eijiro?" Denki looked at him, "YOU GOT TO MEET HIM?!" Izuku nodded his head, "Yeah he's really nice~" Denki Growled at him, "Don't worry Denki, I don't like him!" Izuku laughed.

The rest of the dive to Todoroki house, was full of laughter, and singing music, but once they got to the house everything changed.


Izuku go let out of the car followed by Uraraka and Denki. Izuku made his way towards the front door slowly. As he got to the front door he took out his house keys, he was about to put the key in the key hole but he stopped. He turned around to look at Denki and Urarak with a scared look, they both nod their head at him, telling him that it was okay.

He unlocked the door, before pushing the door open slowly, Izuku looked around the hallway to see if anything had changed. But everything looked normal, so he continued to walk down the hallway following by his two best friends.

They entered the lounge room, walking around the couches, that's when they saw someone's hand bag.. Izuku looked at the other two with teary green eyes, "Whos hand bag is that..?" Uraraka asked quietly, Denki looked at her like she was stupid, "And you call me dumb, but here you are asking who's it is when we don't know," Izuku started to laugh quietly along with the other two.

After they finished laughing they walked up stairs to Todoroki and Izukus room.. they all stepped on each I step quietly as they walked up the stairs. Once they got to the top of the stairs Izuku gave the other two as look, they both nodded their heads for him to continue to go forward. He gulped silently as he started to walk to his room again, as they got closer to the room they started to hear grunting and Moaning.. Izuku stopped as he got to the door feeling his heart break into a million pieces, he didn't realise this but he was crying.

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