♔• P. 20 •♔

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Third POV

After a couple more days Katsuki rut ended.

It was early in the morning, and Bakugo woke up to Izuku trying to get out of bed, but of course he wasn't able to from the pain in his hips. Katsuki got out of bed slowly trying not to make any sounds while getting out of the covers.

Izuku then eventually got out of the bed but fell into a strong chest. Katsuki wrapped one of his arms around Izukus waist.

"What are you doing up..?" Bakugo asked in his morning, making Izuku feel butterflies in his stomach.

"I-I was trying to go to the bathroom.." Izuku looked down.

Bakugo then lifted Izukus head up from the bottom of his chin, to make Izuku look at him.

"Why didn't you just wake me up..?" Katsuki lent down to Izuku giving him a kiss on the head. Izuku then let out a purr with a smile.

"Y-You were sleeping... a-and you looked tired..." Katsuki smiled.

"It's fine Baby... from the marks I left on your neck, it looks like I did a number on you.." Katsuki traced his hand over Izukus neck. Izuku bit his lip while Katsuki traced his hand over his neck.

"It's okay.." Izuku brought his hand up, grabbing onto Bakugos forearm gently.

"Are you sure..?" Izuku smiled and nodded.


Katsuki then picked Izuku up and brought him to the bathroom. Katsuki then placed Izuku down onto the bathroom counter giving him a toothbrush and toothpaste.

Izuku brushed his teeth, spitting out the left over toothpaste still in his mouth. Bakugo then handed him a small cup of water for him to swish the water around in his mouth.

"Better?" Katsuki asked gently.

"Yeah.." Izuku smiled up at the Alpha.

"..You're so cute.." Izuku when covered his face.

"S-Shut up~"

"No~ because it's true,, and stop covering your face! I won't be able to see how cute you are!" Katsuki grabbed onto Izukus wrists gently tugging on them to move them away, but Izuku kept his hands there.

"Good! You don't need to see my face!"

Katsuki pouted.

"No~ let me see your face~" Izuku shook his head 'no.'

Katsuki then got an idea.

"I'll get you your favourite food~" And with that Izuku uncovered his face and smiled brightly, blinding Katsuki.

"Jeez...that's bright..."

"What..?" Izuku tilted his head.

"Nothing..Now let's get you some food!"

Izuku nodded his head, getting off of the bathroom counter. Only for him to collapse into Katsukis arms.

"So you're falling for me again?" Katsuki smirked.

"...Shut up.." Izuku playfully slapped Katsuki arm, before slowly walking towards . Bakugo chuckled.

"Don't worry~ I fell for you the first time I saw you-.." Izuku looked at Bakugo with wide eyes.



"Awww~ you're so cute~" Izuku lent up giving Bakugo a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey-! You can't call me cute!" Katsuki hugged Izuku making him giggle.

"W-Wha- why not!"

"Because you're then cute one while i'm the handsome one!" Katsuki nuzzled his head into Izukus nape, where the mate mark is. He then proceeded to gave it a couple soft kisses, before nearly a soft purr from Izuku.

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