•° P. 7 °•

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Third POV

Izuku woke up early the next day, it was 6:38AM in the morning, he sighed as he saw the time.

'I still have 1 and a half hours..'

Izuku thought if some thing's he could do while he waits, that's when he remembered that he needed to wake up Denki otherwise he would come to work late. Izuku got up out of bed before getting dressed into his Black work tights and into his black work top, and with his red Nike red high top Air Force 1's. After that he takes a suppressor pill, knowing his heat will be with in a week.

After he finished getting dressed he left his room, and walked to where Denkis room was, he knocked onto the door waiting for a response, that he didn't get, so he did something a normal person would do... he slammed the door open, and walked over to where Denki was sleeping then dragged his ass out on bed over to his wardrobe, "Mm- H-Hey what are doing!" Denki said whilst he was getting dragged out of his bed,

"I'm helping you."
"Helping me with what?"
"Helping you get ready for work dumbass,"

After Izuku took Denki to his wardrobe, then he walked back out to Denkis bed, only to see a still asleep Kirishima.

"U-Uhmm....Wait..." Izuku turned to where Denkis wardrobe was then back to the bed, he did this 3 times, "DENKI OH MY GOD WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME YOU HAS SEX!" Izuku screamed as he ran back to Denki, "WHY DID YOU TELL ME!!" Izuku whined, "I-Uhm because we didn't have sex...We just slept in the same bed..?" Izuku then shut up and looked at Denki before sighing, "Okay good...i'm going to go and let you get dressed," Denki nodded before giggling.

'I was so ready to tell Ura that he had sex..' Izuku thought as he went back to Denkis bed, "Now...What to do with you..." Izuku looked around the room then found cuffs, 'Why does he-' Izuku stopped and thought for one second, '.... D-Does he use these?!' Izuku looked at the cuffs that he now had in his hand horrified, 'Y'know what...I'm just gonna put these back and pretend I never saw them..'

After Izuku put them back where they were found the wardrobe door opened. Denki stepped out all dressed, Izuku looked at the clock..it was now 7:13Am.

"Hurry up! We're opening up the store today!" Denki then quickly put on his shoes, after he went over to the bed and gave Kirishima a Kiss on the corner of his lips, Izuku stood their watching this u fold, "So when we're you going to tell me he's your Alpha, huh?" Izuku said as Denki and himself made their way out the door and towards the front door, "U-Uhh I wasn't..?" Izuku looked at his betrayed, "Awww What! I thought I was your best friend.." Izuku fake pouted, Denki nervously giggled "I promise I was planing on telling you, but Kiri and I have been busy.." he looked off to the side, "Oh yeah? Like what?" Izuku said as he opened the front door for Denki and himself, "U-Uhm S-Stuff..?" Izuku giggled, "I'm going to get you to tell me sooner or later," Denki nodded his head slowly.

"Good morning Mr. Izuku, and Mr. Kaminari." Izuku shook his head, "You can call me Izuku Monoma," Denki nodded his head, "Yeah, you can call me Denki, I don't like being called 'Mr. Kaminari' " Monoma nodded his head, "Alright! Now let's get you in the car, so I can drive both of you to work." Monoma opened the car door and held it open for Denki and Izuku.

Both of the Omegas got into the back of the car before Monoma Closed the door behind them. On their way to the jewellery shop Izuku got a text from Bakugo.

- 𝙏𝙚𝙭𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 -
My Alpha🥴❤️

My Alpha🥴❤️:
Heyy pretty Omega! »

« Oh is this Katsuma?

My Alpha🥴❤️:
Mhm! I found dada's phone (•̀ᴗ•́)و »

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