♕• P. 17 •♕

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Third POV - With Izuku, Denki, and Katsuma

"Okay so where are we going guys?" Sero asked from the drivers seat.

"We're going to -XXX- on -XXX- street to pick up one of our friends!" Denki answered.


Izuku was sitting on the leather car seat with Katsuma in his lap. Katsuma had his hands on Izukus cheeks then moved them into his green curls.

"Oooo~ Fluffy~" Katsuma played with Izukus hair. Denki and Izuku giggle at the Pups actions.

Two of the bodyguards who were with them watched as Katsuma played with Izukus hair. They both had a small smile before going back to their straight faces.


After 20 minutes they finally got to there firth distension.

Denki got out of the car and knocked onto Urarakas door. Not even a couple minutes later the door opened, only for his to be greeted with an hug to which he of course hugged back.

"Hey Bitch~" Uraraka smiled.

"Hey Ura! Now get in the car, we have a little guest with us!" Uraraka raised an eyebrow.

"You'll find out once you get in." She nodded her head.

Denki and Uraraka made their way back to the car. One of the bodyguards was besides the car door. He opened it for both of them Denki smiled at while while Uraraka said a small thank you. When Uraraka entered the back of the limousine she first saw all of the candy and drinks, then she saw Izuku with a small ash-blonde pup.

Izuku looked at her with a huge smile.

"Hey Ura! Baby this is Ura Denki and my friend!" Katsuma looked at Uraraka before getting up, walking towards her. He came close enough to smell her sent. He smiled before going back to Izuku.

"She's pretty.." Izuku smiled, "But she's not as pretty as you!" Uraraka and Denki giggle.

"Next stop is the arcade!" Denki cheered. Katsuma tilted his head slightly.

"Don't tell me you've never been to an arcade before," the pup shook his head.

"Dads always busy.." Izuku then smiled.

"Well that just means today'll be your first!" Katsuma smiled while nodding his head.


After 18 minutes they got to the arcade.

Katsuma was very excited about going. Both of the bodyguards got out of the car first, one of them held the door open while the other would help them get out.

The first to get out was Uraraka, who sent a smile to the bodyguard. Then Denki came out saying 'Thank you.' Last was Katsuma who was being carried by Izuku. The bodyguard put an hand out for him, Izuku happily grabbed onto their hand while getting out.

Once Izuku got out he let go of their hand before going over to his two friends with Katsuma in his arms.

Both of the bodyguards walking on either side of the group to make sure no one would go too close to them.

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