•° P. 11 °•

13.6K 369 288

Third POV

As Bakugo said there was in fact a bunch of paparazzi, fans, and news reporters. Katsuki grumbled, "This is going to be annoying.." Katsuma nodded his head, "Yeah! Those are a bunch of stup-stupid extras!"

Bakugo smirked, "Copying me now?"

"..No.." Katsuma denied,

"Pfft yeah right!" Bakugo and Katsuma started to bicker back and forth while Izuku just watched everything with a smile, "Alright you two calm down," Izuku said calmly, to which Katsuki and Katsuma calmed down, "Good boys!" Bakugo didn't know why but his Alpha felt happy that he did good, while Katsuma cheered 'Yeah I am!' Making Izuku giggle.

After a few minutes the car came to a stop. The first people to get out of the car were the bodyguards making a space between the car door and the people, just so Katsuki, Izuku and Katsuma could get out.

First Bakugo got out of the car then out came Izuku before he picked up Katsuma who smiled at everyone. As the bodyguards were making a path for them they heard heaps of fans asking Katsuki to have their pups, or to sleep with him, but he ignored all of the horny Omegas/Betas...mainly Omegas though. They also heard the new reporters asking questions like; "Who's the Omega?" "Is this your mate?" "Is this the mother of Katsuma?" And so on so forth. Of course they ignored that as well. Then came the paparazzi they were taking heaps of pictures of the Omega and pup who are matching clothing, some of the paparazzi were yelling at how cute Izuku and Katsuma looked with matching clothing. Some of the fans started yelling at how ugly Izuku was, which made Izuku kind of upset but nonetheless tried to brush it off..buuut it pissed Katsuki and Katsuma right off.

Katsuma growled at everyone and Bakugo did nothing to stop him, in fact he was proud of his pup. Katsuki when wrapped his arm around Izukus waist bringing him closer to him, he brought his head closer to Izukus ear until is mouth was practically pressed up against his ear. As they were near the entrance of the mall he whispered multiple thing's into Izukus ear which made him smile and blush, some of those thing's were; "You're such a pretty Omega don't listen to those extras," "They're just jealous that you're everything is beautiful," etc..

Finally they got to the door and got inside, heaps of the people who about to run up to the famous Alpha but stopped as he let out threatening pheromones, but then let out some calming ones for the Omega next to him to whimpered quietly. Katsuma cupped Izuku face with his small hands, "Never listen to someone if they call you ugly! Because you're not! You're one of the most prettiest Omegas I've ever seen! Right dad?" Katsuma turned to his father, "Yeah the brat's right..." Izuku felt his eyes tear up, "S-Stop i'm gonna cry," Izuku smiled, "W-What why?!" Katsuma got worried that he said something wrong, "No no it's because you made me really happy!" Katsuma sighed with relief.

"Okay, both of you which shop do you two want to go too?" Katsuki asked while giving Izuku a sneaky kiss on the cheek. This make Izuku shriek, "W-What was that for?!" He got embarrassed and hid his face from Katsuki by facing the opposite direction from Bakugos view, "Am I not allowed to give the Omega i'm courting a kiss?" Katsuma looked back and forth between the two, "Wait, so that's why you smelt like him," Izuku nodded his head, "Yeah..But I love you more then him!" Katsuma smiled beamed while Bakugo had pouted, "What?! Why do you love him more then me!" Izuku could tell he was getting jealous, "Reasons Kat, reasons." Izuku teased.

"Not fair.." Katsuki mumbled.

Izuku giggled quietly, "So you two didn't answer what I asked you before. Which shop do you want to go too?" Katsuma was quick to say a clothing shop, "We could all get matching clothing!" The small pup beamed, Izuku agreed with the smaller boy, "Yeah that would be even more fun then just the two of us!" Bakugo wanted to say no but he couldn't. Seeing as how happy Izuku was as well as his pup he had to say yes.

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