♕• P. 19 •♕

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Third POV

"Mark me.."

Izuku looked off to the side slightly while Katsuki stared at him in shock.

"A-Are you joking.?" Bakugo asked. Izuku shook his head.

"I w-want you to m-mark me during your rut.." Izuku said quietly.

"Oh..my..god.." Izuku looked back at Katsuki to see a smile planted on his face.

"Are you sure you want that..?" Izuku nodded his head with a smile.

Katsuma was sitting on the bed just watching everything play out not understanding anything that was happening.

Katsuki smiled before getting up and practically jumping onto Izuku.

"Oof-!" Katsuki cut Izuku off with an kissing, to which Izuku happily kisses back. While he was kissing Izuku he looked at Katsuma, and covered his eyes.

Katsuma just let it happen. He just sat there zoning out and blocking all the noises out.

<~| ☀︎︎ |~>

Time Skip - 2 days before Katsukis Rut - 7:26pm at night :)

During the week Katsuki has been very very affectionate towards Izuku. He'd always follow Izuku wherever he went like a lost puppy, not like Izuku hated it he actually really liked the attention that he was getting from the Alpha.

And if he wasn't following Izuku that's when he would be out getting Izuku something expensive for him. Like a day ago he got Izuku an Louis Vuitton bag (you can pick the bag type.) When he gave it to Izuku he literally jumped onto Katsuki and kissed him all over his face. And boy did Katsuki love that.

Right now they're in Izukus room. Katsuki was sitting onto Izukus bed while Izuku was going in and out of the room grabbing thing's. Bakugo wasn't really paying any attention to that, buttt that was before he heard the door close. He looked up from what he was doing to see Izuku with; one of Katsukis blankets, some of his t-shirts and swear shirts, and pillow from Denki. Bakugo raised his eyebrow at the Omega.

"Hey Baby? What are you doing?" He asked curiously.

Little did he know Izuku didn't actually know he was doing this, so he got ignored.

After Katsuki didn't get an answer he decided to just watch what Izuku was doing. Izuku started to place certain thing's in certain places making a nest. That's when it clicked in Katsuki head. After Izuku was finished making the nest he sat down in the middle of it, turning to Katsuki who was on his bed watching him with loving eyes.

"Do you like it.." Izuku asked.

"Mhm I love it darling," Izuku purred with a smile.

After a few seconds Izuku snapped out of his little 'trance.' He looked around before realising he made a nest.

"U-Uhh.... Did I d-do this...?" Izuku asked quietly.

"Yep, and I thought it was adorable!"

Izuku went bright pink.

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