♔• P. 14 •♔

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Third POV ;)

{btw Izuku is still in heat}

The next day Izuku woke up to something playing with his hair. He nuzzled into the soft yet firm object underneath him.

Bakugo who was watching the beautiful Omega sleep on top on his chest. When the Omega nuzzled his head into his chest he chuckled lowly, before running his hand through the Omegas hair.

After a few minutes Izuku noticed what he was laying down on, looking up only to be met with red crimson eyes. He smiled up sleepishly as he leaned into his hand that was running through his messy hair.

"Good Morning Izu~"

"Hm- Morning.." Izuku said rubbing his eye,

"It looks like your heat has cooled down a bit," Katsuki smiled,

"Yeah...but it'll come back soon," Izuku groaned slightly,

Bakugo chuckled, "Why don't you go take a shower quickly before your next wave comes, and I'll bring you some food and water?" He said while getting out of the Omegas nest.

"O-Okay.." Izuku tried to get up but ended up groaning, "O-Oww" Izuku whined. Katsuki looked back at the Omega,

"Oh? Need help?" Bakugo teased,

"Yes~" Izuku whines as he stretched his arms out towards Bakugo. Bakugo chuckled as he went to the sore Omega to pick him up.

As soon as Bakugo picked up the Omega, Izuku wrapped his arms and legs around him. Katsuki walked over to where the Omegas bathroom was. He opened the door, closing it behind him before placing Izuku down onto the toilet seat while he started a nice bath for him.

"Do you want bubbles?" Bakugo asked while feeling the water,

"Yes please!" Izuku happily said,

"Ok, do you want any type of shampoo? Like strawberry sent? Apple sent? Kiwi sent?" Izukus face brightened up a bit,


Bakugo chuckled, "Okay Omega, everything's ready," Izuku smiled before getting up wobbly, making his way to the bath while Katsuki was next to him holding onto his waist with one hand.

Katsuki helped Izuku get u dressed, and into the bathtub.

"There you go Izu. I'm going to go make you some food real quick ok?" Izuku nodded his head while setting his hair.


Once Bakugo left the room Izuku wanted to whine he didn't know why, but he wanted Katsuki to stay with him. But nonetheless he just continued to bathe while feeling empty with out the Alpha.

~ <3 ~

- With Katsuki downstairs -
Third POV (still)

Bakugo was down stairs making some scrambled eggs with bacon, toast, some small sausages, and on the side just some ice cream, for Izuku to be a happy Omega.

While he was cooking the sausages he heard some voices.

"Yeah! And so like I was sitting there barbecue sauce on my titties-"




It was Mina, Denki, Sero, and Kirishima.

Bakugo groaned quietly hoping they wouldn't see him as they walk into the kitchen.

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