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- Third POV -

Izuku heard multiple bangs from his door but decided to ignore it, as he wanted to go back to sleep. He then heard his door handle jiggle, before it stoped. Izuku sighed happily now that the noises were gone, but oh was he wrong. Not even a few minutes later he heard his door unlock, Izukus eyes snapped open, he looked towards his door to see if someone was going to open his door but no one did, so he just turned back around and closed his eyes again. But after he closed his eyes his door slammed open, he was about to turn around but was stopped by a figure jumping on him. He sniffed he air 'Oh, it's Denki..He smells like he's still in heat..' he heard sniffling from Denki as he was nuzzling into Izuku.

Izuku turned to see what was wrong with Denki, "..Hey, what wrong Denks..?" Izuku asked sleepishly, Denki looked up at Izuku with a pout, "Y-You didn't come see me.." Izuku gave him a questioning look, 'Oh...Right normally on his heats I'll check on him..' "I didn't need to, you asked for Kirishima remember?" Denki nodded his head, "Y-Yes but I want my Omega!" Izuku giggled, "Okay okay, get under the blankets I know you're still in heat, so I'll go get you some food and water." Denki nodded his head as he got underneath the blankets. Izuku grabbed his Ipad and gave it to Denki, "Here watch whatever you want ok?" "Okay.." and with with Izuku left the room while locking it behind him, Izuku started to walk down the hall way to the stairs but started to slow down his walking 'Oh shit..I don't have my sent blockers on...Just gotta go faster then..' Izuku then quickly went towards the stars, he then technically ran down the stairs to go to the kitchen.

Once he got to the bottom of the stair case he saw Katsuma, Katsuki, Mina, and Kirishima, they all said Good morning to him to which he happily replied back.

As Izuku was in the kitchen getting food and a water bottle he heard a voice, "So Izuku why are you in such a rush?" Izuku turned around to see a red headed Alpha, "Well..Denki is still in heat and he came to me, so he's in my room right now watching something and i'm getting him food and water," Izuku quickly got everything together, "But why did he come see you?" Izuku turned to Kirishima, "It's because when he wasn't around heaps of Alphas like this place I would always come check on him and he would do the same for me, but I didn't some see him this time because you were looking after him," Kirishima nodded his head trying to process the Omegas Fast talking, "Oh that reminds me Kiri, uhhh did you to do the deed?" Kirishima went red, "N-No! No we didn't, he wasn't ready for it...though it was tempting.." Izuku nodded his head, "Well good he knows what he wants, anyway I need to go give this to my Omega, BYE!" Izuku quickly left the kitchen not realising he called Denki 'His' Omega.

He walked up the stairs, trying not to drop anything. When he got to the top of the staircase he went to his room and unlocked it, he opens the door to see a laughing Omega who was still in his bed. Izuku smiled seeing his best friend laugh, "Hey Denks, I got you some food and water," Izuku watched as Denki lit up, "Yessss Fooood!" Izuku giggled as he walked over to Denki and gave him his food, that was biscuits with dip, Pancakes, and some strawberries, he also placed his water bottle on the night stand that's next to him.

Izuku walked around to the other side of the bed to sit down but was stopped by a knock on his door, Izuku sighed as he walked over to the door. He Opened the door slowly to see who was knocking and to his surprise it was Bakugo. Before Izuku was about to ask if he needed something he was eloped into a hug, Izuku was confused but let it happen. He felt Bakugo move his head to his nape, before giving his sent gland small kisses. Izuku hummed at the sensation, "What are you doing.." Izuku asked, Bakugo then nibbled Izukus sent gland making Izuku let out a small moan, "H-Hey! Ka-t stop~" Bakugo stopped nibbling Izukus sent gland, before sighing and just resting his head on his shoulder, "Kat...What are you doing..?" Izuku asked ask he felt Katsuki starting to rub his neck on his sent gland, "M'senting you.." Bakugo rubbed both of their sent glands together making Izuku smell like him, Izuku started to purr quietly but stopped hoping Bakugo didn't hear his little purrs.

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