Part 11: Small beginnings

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"Yeji are you sure we're going the right way, I mean we've past the baseball admissions table like three times now." (Y/n) said, with his school bag dangling from one shoulder
"Look if you're so sure about it why don't you direct us there, I'm sure you can do a better job of navigating through this crowd of older kids than me." Yeji responded annoyed
A young Yeji and (Y/n) were trying to find the football team admissions, and their hopes were fading as neither one of the two could navigate through the crowds of taller students

"Ok that should be everything sorted out, we are located just at that football pitch over there everyday after school." A younger and more full of life Miss Min said to a certain student
"I actually have one question." The student said
"I'm a goalkeeper so will this mean I will definitely start on the bench?"
"Not necessarily, as the coach I like to make a more rotating side tactically, so you will get your fair share of games even though you are a first year, Miss....Chou Tzuyu." Miss Min said reading the student's name off of the sign up sheet
"That's good to hear, I was worried I wouldn't play many games."
Tzuyu then left the table and walked inside of the school building

"Excuse me is this the place to sign up for the football team?" A shorter student asked
"Yes it is, all you need to do is write your name here and if you have any questions then I can answer them for you." Miss Min smiled
"Ok, thank you. Will there be a whole tryout process or will it be straight into the team?"
"Well we do evaluations first but I don't recall a time where we actually removed anyone after evaluations anyway."
"Great, then people will recognise the name Son Chaeyoung for years to come."
The girl then walked away from the table after writing her name on the sign up sheet
"I like the enthusiasm on some of these students." Miss Min said to herself

"Was going through the tour really worth it, we could miss the sign ups." Jeongyeon asked
"Well we know our way around at least now, and we're going to sign up now anyway so I don't really see what the problem is." Nayeon replied
The two made their way over to the sign up table where Miss Min was waiting
"Hi, would you like to sign up for the football team?" She asked
"May I ask a question?" Jeongyeon said
"What's the difference between this football team and the other clubs at this school?"
"This one is unisex, and this one has a better coach."
"Perfect, where can we sign up?"
"Just here."

One after the other, everyone signed up for the team. For a school that was fairly new, this made Miss Min very happy.
"Who have we got so far?" The captain asked
"Well we have Tzuyu, Chaeyoung, Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Momo, Mina and that's it."
"None of them really have what I'm looking for though." The captain said
"What do you mean?"
"I'll tell you soon."
"Now you listen to me Bae Suzy I'm the manager so tell m-!"
"Excuse me." Someone said
Miss Min instantly calmed down and looked at the student standing in front of the pair, Miss Min then greeted the student.

"Hi, would you like to apply for the football team?"
"Yes please, I'm going to make sure that I make it into this team."
"I like you, what's your name?" Suzy asked
"Jihyo, Park Jihyo." The student bowed
"Well Park Jihyo, all you need to do is sign up here and then we'll see you in training."
"Really? Thank you."
"No problem."
After Jihyo signed up for the team and left, Miss Min looked at Suzy irritatedly
"Well? Are you gonna tell me now?"
"Sure, I wanted to look for a student who could replace me as captain. I needed a person who could lead on the pitch, and luckily enough for me I've just found that person."
"So you think this Jihyo kid could be as good a captain as you?"
"No, better than me."
"How can you tell that? She literally displayed no on-pitch qualities right now."
"I can just tell, you wouldn't understand cause you weren't a captain were you." Suzy laughed
"Don't make me drop you."
"You couldn't if you tried, and you know that."
"Well with these new students, anything is possible." Miss Min said

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