Part 24: Punishment

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"Everyone's here, and it isn't even gone six yet, I'm impressed." Miss Min smirked
"Miss Min." Jihyo said
"Where's Y/n?"
"Oh, didn't we tell you already? Y/n isn't going to be here today, instead I'll be the one leading your training today."
"Why?" Mina asked
"He was afraid you wouldn't take him seriously enough, or maybe it was he cared about you too much to see you going through this torture, or maybe he doesn't want to see your faces after you disappointed him so badly. You can choose whichever answer you wish to believe."
"And what about Sana?" Nayeon asked
"What about Sana?" Miss Min rolled her eyes
"Why hasn't she got to do this."
"Because she wasn't the one keeping Y/n out of the room, I don't care what she said or did leading up to it, or whatever she promised to tell you, be it about Y/n or otherwise. What I saw was the eight of you refuse to let Y/n in and Sana didn't."
"Do you really want to talk back at a time like this?"

Miss Min got the group to stand in a line next to each other, and began to look at them all
"Look at how out of shape you all are. If it was up to me, I'd have you running laps for the next three days, but luckily for you, Y/n isn't as evil as I am." She began to speak like a drill sergeant.
"So what are we doing?"
"That's for you to decide. Option A is you stay here and do cardio the entire day, some muscle workouts going over your PBs and something exercises however none involve a football whatsoever."
"And option B?" Chae asked
"I'll keep it a mystery, it'll get you out of here though, and depending on your performance you could leave earlier than when you would here."
The group talked amongst themselves for a couple of minutes, and eventually came up to a vote.
"We'll go with the second option." Jihyo said
"Very well, we'll be taking a short drive then."

Everyone got onto the team bus and were taken about an hour away until they reached their destination, Miss Min got off the bus and everyone followed.
"Hanyang University?" Jeongyeon asked
"But why?"
"Quit with the questions, everyone take one of these." Miss Min handed out smart watches
"Is this a gift or something?" Momo asked
"No. It'll be used to track your progress."
"Our progress?"
"That's right, you will have to run from here to the World Cup Stadium and back again, and anyone who doesn't get back here before this timer ends will have to then run back to the World Cup Stadium. Understood?" Miss Min explained
"This is a joke, right?" Dahyun asked, in denial.
"No, completely serious. One more thing, if any of you think of cheating by getting on any form of transportation, we'll know, and if any of you abandon this session. It will be extra punishment that you won't be able to get out of doing."
"The extra punishment won't be as bad as this right?" Nayeon asked
"Well that was my contribution to this, if Y/n had his way, anyone who wouldn't do this would've gotten kicked from the team. Maybe he still will, who knows." The older woman shrugged

The team then watched as Miss Min got back onto the team bus which then drove away, leaving everyone else behind.
"I can't believe this. All this over Sana and Y/n probably screwing."
"We all know that's what Sana was gonna say, there's no point looking back on it now. As for as I'm concerned, this is just cruel."
"Well if we want this to be over and done with, I suggest we get moving." Jihyo sighed, stretching her legs
"Yeah I'm not planning on standing around all day either." Jeong added
"Wait... how do we get there?" Nayeon asked
"The directions are on the watch." Tzuyu pointed out
"Oh that's cool."
"Right, keep an even pace so you don't tire yourselves out, don't lose all your energy at once." Jihyo instructed
"Screw that, see you guys in a few hours." Momo shot off, running as if she would in a match
"Not on my watch!" Dahyun ran after her
"What idiots." Mina sighed

The rest of them started to run at a light pace in a double file line with Jihyo at the front leading the others. People would stare as they went past but none of the team were bothered enough to care. All they were focused on was getting it over and done with.

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