Part 9: Past, Present and Future

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"Maybe if I rent a pitch, this one is closer but this one is cheaper." (Y/n) said, staring at his computer screen
"Take a break man, you've been at this for two days. You've had no sleep." Sunghoon sighed
"But if I'm going to start a team, I'm going to need some funding, and since I don't have any I'm going to look for the cheapest options."
"Just, look man just calm down and take a break please."
"And the last time I checked you still need to find your old coach and you haven't even asked Yeji to play too have you?"
"Good, you should get out of the house." Sunghoon pushed (Y/n) towards the door
"Ok, I'll go. Relax." (Y/n) laughed
"Great, see you later!"

First, (Y/n) went to grab a couple Ice teas at a cafe and rode his motorbike to a familiar place, a place he hadn't gone to in a long time.
He got off of his bike and took off his helmet before staring at the building in front of him, his old school. He looked beside the building and saw the pitch in which he used to play on, now currently being used for a training session.
"Close him down, don't let him pass!" The coach said to the player
(Y/n) walked over with the ice teas in his hand, a player then cleared the ball and it was heading straight for him, but instead of being hit by it he just controlled it with his left foot and stopped it.
"Seonghwa what did I tell you about kicking it out of the pitch, go and get the ball."
"Yes coach."

The boy ran over and saw (Y/n) doing some kick-ups with the ball, he then turned back to the teacher and back to (Y/n)
"Coach, there's a man here."
"A man, what do you-" Miss Min stopped speaking when her eyes landed on her former student
"Hi." (Y/n) said
"Well I'll be damned."
"Who is it coach?" Seonhwa asked
"Your predecessor."
"You mean this guy's him, the master strategist. The former tactician Hwang (Y/n)."
"Yep, he's the glue who held the team together, the Center of our operations."
"Stop, you'll flatter me." (Y/n) laughed
"I have a feeling about why you're here, but first why don't you watch your successors in action?" Miss Min said
"Sure, since you coach them they should be better than we were."

"Ok everyone! Time for an eight a side game, form two teams between you." Miss Min announced
The team got themselves sorted into two separate teams of eight.
"Oh and I'll be taking that." Miss Min took one of the ice teas out of (Y/n)'s hand
"Why do you think I bought them?"
"Obviously for me. So how have you been doing since the incident?"
"I've been good, I hadn't spoken to the others until last week, been doing accounting ever since I left basically."
"And the others?"
"Most have jobs as far as I know."
"I know that already, do you actually think you've been the first one to visit today?"
"What do you mean, not the only one?" (Y/n) asked
"So I got the coffee, sorry about the wait though the shop was- (Y/n)?"

Jihyo was standing with a cup of coffee in her hand, she looked just as shocked to see (Y/n) as he was to see her, Miss Min took the coffee from Jihyo and went back to looking at her team set themselves up.
"See, not the only one." She said
"I can see that, what are you doing here?" (Y/n) asked
"I came to ask for some advice, you?"
"I came to ask Coach if she'd want to be the assistant manager of the club I'm making."
"You mean they-"
"Yep, they all agreed to play. Apart from Yeji 'cause I haven't asked her yet, but there's literally no way she'd say no."
"Well this is a cute talk but it's time to watch your successors in action, see how much our style of play had improved since you guys left."

Jihyo and (Y/n) sat on the bench as the teams battled it out, the tactics had changed drastically since (Y/n) and Jihyo last played. It was surprising, the players were amazing on the ball, every tackle, every shot, every run brought back those feelings of being on top of the world.
All they could do was just sit there and reminisce, remembering the times when they were the ones in that pitch.

"Tzuyu go short!" Miss Min shouted
Tzuyu passed the ball to Jihyo who was looking to pick out a pass upfield, then she saw (Y/n) with his hand high up in the air.
Jihyo booted the ball to (Y/n) who was making the run through the defenders, he took a touch and brought the ball down before volleying it into the top left corner.
"And that's game, Team 1 win seven goals to five."
"But it hasn't been 90 minutes!" Nayeon made a fuss
"I said it was first to seven." Miss Min said
"But, that's not fair!"

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