Part 2: A distant memory

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"I just don't get it, you won right? Shouldn't you be happy that your final match was a win with a trophy included?"
"It didn't feel like a win, not to me, not my coach, my captain or my teammates. I don't even understand why you're asking about this now anyway, it happened a while ago."
Two guys grabbing drinks at a café were sat at a table enjoying each other's company, and of course enjoying their drinks.
"I'm asking this because it was three years ago and you're still not over them man. Look at yourself, you're sad and lonely."
"I know, but nothing replaced the feeling of playing with them."
"I know your problem."
"You do?"

"Yes. (Y/n) I'm telling you this as your best friend, well...only friend, but still. All we need to do is get you laid man!"
"You can't be serious. Sunghoon look at me, it's not as easy for me as it is for you."
"I know, but trust me you're gonna forget all about them, apart from Yeji of course. I'm gonna make sure you have the best night of your life."
"Thanks for the looking out for me, but I'm not exactly the model you are and I don't let go of things easy." (Y/n) said
"No, listen. Tonight, I'll call some friends, we're having a party at our place. And you, my friend, and gonna have a great time."
"But I've got work, and are you forgetting about rent?"
"Rent? Never heard of it."
"Sure you haven't."
"Right, I gotta run. Pick out something nice to wear for later, I don't want to see you in some rubbish casual clothes."
"But I don't want-"
"It wasn't a request." Sunghoon said before taking his coat, giving a wave, and ultimately leaving the shop.
"What a nuisance." (Y/n) chuckled

The rest of the working day held nothing of major importance , just the regular desk work and the daily bus ride back home where (Y/n) could finally go home and sleep.
(Y/n) got through the door of his apartment and shut it behind him, he put his keys on the counter and hung up his coat before looking at the dining table, it was full to the brim of alcohol bottles.
"Sunghoon, what's this?"
Sunghoon jumped up off the sofa and pointed at the table
"That? That's our plans for tonight, I told you man."
"Right, I forgot." (Y/n) sighed
"Go and get ready, everyone will be here soon." Sunghoon ushered (Y/n) to his wardrobe.

And so the friends arrived, whilst (Y/n) wanted to, he also didn't want to socialise. He just stayed in his room and laid on his bed with his headphones in, he was cut off from the rest of the world for once. Parts of it was a good thing, but others were bad.
He was left with his thoughts, thoughts like why did he never keep contact with the team, thoughts like what would happen if he knew where they all were, what he would do in that situation.
His one on one session with himself was cut short however with a knock on the apartment door, thinking it was more party guests he got up to go and open it.
To his surprise when he opened the door, there was just a package on the floor, it was a small cubic box but the address wasn't one he recognised.

To: Joshua Kylian
2 Prices Rd

He stared at it in confusion, wondering why this would end up on his doorstep. He then looked at the return address

Park Jihyo
19A Park Lane

"Impossible" He whispered to himself.
He kept on thinking to himself if this was the right Jihyo or not, even so it wasn't his package and he needed to return it. That's when he saw the postman with a blue jacket turn around the corner of the apartment building hallway. (Y/n) was about to go and return the package but then he hesitated, and thought about his options.

He made it outside the building with the package in hand, luckily reaching the postman before he got in his van.
"Hey! Excuse me!" He called out
The postman turned to him with a puzzled expression
"I'm sorry can I help you with something?" He asked
He was about the same height as (Y/n) and had short brown hair.
"Yeah, you left this at my apartment but my address isn't on it." (Y/n) said, holding up the package
"Really? Thank you so much, that could've been a disaster for me. It's my first day on the job you see, the package you should've got should be in the van, they must've put it in with the wrong lot of mail."

The postman went into the back of the van and retrieved a different package and handed it to (Y/n), taking back the other package in the process. It was a flat but wide box, almost like a photo frame could fit inside. The postman then tipped his cap at (Y/n) and got into his van
"Thanks again for getting the package back to me, I appreciate it!"
"No problem."
The postman drove off with the other package, with Jihyo's address and it wasn't coming back. (Y/n) held the new package under his arm, taking it back to the apartment.

"Hey where were you?" Sunghoon asked
"Getting a package, it's got your name on it." (Y/n) replied, handing Sunghoon the brown wrapped box.
Sunghoon tore the wrapping off and opened the box, smiling at it like he was proud of it.
"It's perfect, I'll tell you what though they don't lie about next day delivery."
"Ok but what is it?" (Y/n) asked, skeptically
"It, is your birthday present."
Sunghoon passed the box back to (Y/n) who then peaked inside, it was a light brown overcoat.

"Sunghoon passed the box back to (Y/n) who then peaked inside, it was a light brown overcoat

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"But it isn't my birthday yet?"
"I know, but it's in like a week. It's better to be early than to be late, isn't that what you always said to me?"
"I guess, but thank you. My old coat was getting a bit past the point of restoration."
"Well why do you think I got you this in the first place? Honestly (Y/n) sometimes you're a bit slow."
"I know, right I'm gonna head off the bed early, thanks for the party that I didn't partake in and the alcohol that we will no doubt finish on the weekend, but I'll see you in the morning."
"Right, see you tomorrow."

(Y/n) got into his room and shut the door behind him, he kicked off his shoes and crawled into bed. He unlocked his phone before going onto the photos app, and there is was...

Jihyo, Gangdong-Gu, 19A Park Lane.
"Where have you been this whole time?"

A/n: Yay, another update! It was quicker for me than I expected but that is because the chapters haven't been as long as normal.

Anywho you guys know the drill, check out the K-Fic Café Discord, the podcast and the guys behind it all, kofpoponce And kpoper_writer17 and of course check out their amazing stories!

But wait, there's more! Spurs won 1-1 (pens. 5-4) against Chelsea so there is some good news! And that is pretty much it for now, so as always...

Thanks for reading!

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