Part 1: The Final Game

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"Right, listen up everyone. You win this and the league is ours again, so we will treat this like any other match. Full effort and many goals is exactly what I want to see today. (Y/n) can we get your input into the opposition and their tactics please?" Miss Min said, whilst in the dressing room with the others, (Y/n) then took the floor and went next to the tactics board

"Right, where do I begin? So let's start from the back, their keeper has one of the best reflexes that I've seen, however kicking outfield isn't good in the slightest for them so they will be looking to play the ball short, mainly to the defence or on occasion the central midfield, that's where Sana, Mina, Momo and I come in. I want man marking on the defence on every goal kick and every time the keeper has the ball in play.
Ok now the outfield, they will most likely be playing a 4-3-3 with a false 9 but I'll get into that later.
Next up their centre backs, they like to lunge into tackles and their timing is off so perhaps knock the ball away if you see them about to make a challenge."
"I have a question." Sana asked
"Fire away."
"You say we need to knock the ball away so essentially what you want us to do is get fouled on purpose?"
"Precisely, preferably in the box. Pens are easier than free kicks."

"Now where was I, right, full backs. There's not much to really say about them to be honest, just make sure to steer clear because from what I've heard they like to jockey people off the ball no matter what it takes."
"Yeah, so what about their midfield, are they playing a CDM or a CAM with their other two midfielders." Yeji asked, impatiently
"Jeez let me get to it. Can you wait for like a minute, I know you want to get out there and play but we won't win if you're too snappy."
"Ok whatever, continue."
"Ok. They are playing a CAM with their two other central midfielders, their CAM's form hasn't been good all season so we should be fine for the time being. Their other two midfielders are the Center of their operations, every pass goes to them or comes from them. We cut the supply lines then the attackers can't get fed. Simple."

"Right, the striker. I'm not gonna sugarcoat this because we all know it, the second place in the running for top scorer, three goals behind Sana. From what I can tell this guy's problem is his stamina, I want this guy out of the picture as soon as possible so we may be changing defenders if he stays on over 60 minutes. Any questions before I move on to our tactics for the game?"
"I have only one question." Ryujin asked
"Ok, please share."
"Right so I noticed we are still playing the normal 4-2-3-1 like usual. Don't you think the midfield overload will leave our only scoring option as Sana?"
"That's a good question actually, but trust me all we be explained during the tactics."
"Gotcha, please continue."

"As Ryujin said, Coach and myself have decided, yes we are sticking to our usual formation, Tzuyu their striker likes the far corner not the close one so just keep an eye out for that, press a little higher than usual."
"Got it." Tzuyu nodded
"Captain, Nayeon. If it comes to it I need you two to take one for the team, if they're causing too many problems I want their players taken care of, that actually goes for Yeji and Jeongyeon too. Can you guys handle it?"
"Definitely." Jihyo said
"No problem." Nayeon smirked
"Finally, I can sweep the leg." Yeji cheered
"I'll only do what is necessary." Jeongyeon answered
"That's all I ask. Ok Chaeyoung, I don't want you to press as high as usual today, I want you to stick around the same level as the half way line when we're on the attack but make sure to be ready to get back. And Dahyun, you will be quite different, I want you delivering crosses into the box today, and use that speed of yours to give us the advantage."

"Mina, Momo, I need you to push up today when it's necessary. Not as midfielders but as wingers, as Ryujin said we can't solely rely on Sana like usual so I need you two to put in way more energy than usual."
"Whatever you need, I'll do it!" Momo gave a thumbs up
"Consider it done." Mina said
"Great, now Sana. I will make some overlapping runs so you have a short pass option in case you are boxed out by defenders, I don't want you to shoot on sight today, we need to be more calm and methodical. If you find the chance, finesse it past the keeper and into the top corner. I know you've always had an eye for the top corner, so I need to see that in you today."
"I can do it, don't you worry." Sana said with her signature reassuring smile
"Ok, hey coach can you give me a minute with the young ones and take the first team out for training."

The first team left the training room with Jihyo putting a hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder and giving him a feint smile before leaving, (Y/n) then took a deep breath before bending down to looking at the others on eyes level as they were sitting on the changing room benches
"Ryujin, Lia, Chaeryoung, Yuna. You all know what is gonna happen after this game and I'm not going to lie, I don't like it. I don't want to leave this team and I'm not ready to, but this team, you need to make it your own now. You are the ones who I believe can take this team to new heights, I say this without wanting to put pressure on you but in all truth that's how I see you guys now, as the future."
(Y/n) left for a second and came back with his school bag, which he dug something out of and held in his hands, looking at it with a sad smile, it was his notebook.
"Ryujin, you are gonna be my Legacy, every game you try to implement your own tactics and you have your say in every team I put out, although sometimes you say it not in a good way. The point I'm saying is you have what it takes to become my successor, so here."
(Y/n) handed the notebook to Ryujin who began to look through it

"It has all the information of every player from every team in the league apart from those who are leaving and those who will just be arriving of course. There are also notes on the other coaches in the league and their preferred tactics." (Y/n) said
"But (Y/n)....this is your notebook, the one you've used since before you joined this team, you're never without it. Why would you give this to me? It doesn't belong out of your hands."
"That's where you're wrong, this book belongs to you now. Your hands are where this book belongs, and I trust you to keep writing in this book, teams are forever changing and always finding new ways to beat opponents. So please take care of it and take care of the team."

"Thank you."
(Y/n) turned away and was close to the door when he said
"One more thing, please don't give Miss Min anymore stress than she had to endure from us, I know she can be annoying and strict at times but she only wants the best for you so go easy on her please. She's only 26 and I don't want her to have grey hair before she turns 30."
His voice was shaky as he chuckled, the girls all knew what was happening even though they couldn't see it, he was crying. Everyone knew he didn't want to leave, it was the only place he actually felt that he belonged in and it crushed everyone knowing that he would have it harder than anyone else once this was over.
"Right, now let's win us a trophy."

"Welcome everyone to the final game of the UCFSL, the Unisex College Football Super League, with JPK academy facing off against second place challengers, GBL University who are thought to stand a somewhat good chance of gaining this league title after securing their new CAM who traded courses after the coach personally asked her to join the team."

"Who is that, I've never seen them before. My plans didn't have a scenario for a new CAM." (Y/n) thought worriedly
"Guys! Team huddle, now!" He called
Everyone jogged over and huddled in, they all looked at (Y/n) confused
"What's the problem?" Jihyo asked
"Their Center attacking midfielder, they're new and I haven't seen them before."
"So?" Yeji asked
"So?! They weren't a part of my calculations and they could be a problem," (Y/n) turns back to look at the new player before looking back at his team "she has a weird aura about her, I don't like it. Just make sure to keep your guard up and don't let it slip."

"Captains." The referee called
Jihyo walked over as did GBL's captain, they shook each other's hands and the referees' hands, the referee pulled out a coin.
"Right, heads or tails." He asked
"I'll go heads." The GBL captain said
"I'll have tails." Jihyo replied
The referee flipped the coin and it landed on the ground
"Tails, do you want first or second half kick off?"
"We'll take the first kick off." Jihyo answered
"Ok, good luck to the both of you and let's have a clean game."

Jihyo gave (Y/n) the thumbs up as she jogged back to the others, Sana walked to the Center circle where the ball was placed and everyone else got into their own positions. Nayeon was doing last minute stretches, Tzuyu was jumping on the spot, Dahyun was itching to start running most of the others were just focused and meanwhile (Y/n) was looking around, his eyes darting from player to player in the GBL starting line up, most likely calculating every move that not only he will make but the other team as well.

"Ok!" The referee said

A/n: An actual chapter being released!? I can't believe it. Due to studying I may not be able to bring out as many chapters as I did last year but let's hope that I can actually release some chapters this time!
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