Part 21: Mad Dogs

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"Alright everyone gather around, our school has a lot to offer. Various clubs and extracurricular activities for everyone to enjoy, now follow me for a tour of the first floor and gyms."
As the tour group continued on, one student stopped walking and was left behind. She was reading a book and chewing gum, she turned to look at all of the various clubs that were previously mentioned by the tour guide.
It seemed like all of the clubs were very pushy and were all in people's faces to get them to apply, apart from one club in particular.

The cherry blossom tree gave shade to the table where the club was, on top of it were two trophies and some sheets of paper. Behind the table there was a woman and a male student sitting down.
"I honestly don't know why you picked me for this, shouldn't this duty go to the captain?"
"You know she's not in (Y/n) so stop whining." The woman sighed
The student walked over to the table, ignoring the other clubs trying to interest her. When she appeared at the table the woman gave her a smile.
"Welcome, would you like to sign up to the Unisex football club?"
"Unisex sports? That's actually a thing?" The girl asked
"As surprising as it sounds, yes. It's actually a thing." Miss Min said
"76%." (Y/n) mumbled
"I'm sorry?" The student asked
"The chance of you doing well in this club, judging by your posture you were raised in a rich household and by the way you're breathing combined with the looks of your arms and legs I'd say you've done a lot of swimming."
"On top of that there's your chewing gum, constantly wanting to keep at least one part of your body busy. Basically like nail biting or fidgeting, and to top it all off the book you're reading is a light novel so you aren't one who likes to be bored by deep thought."
"Well basically, how did you know all of that?" The girl asked
"Sorry about him, he's our tactician. And fastest brain in the whole of Seoul when it comes to mathematics. So what's your name?"
"Choi Jisu, but I prefer being called Lia. So this football club, is it any good?"

"I mean I'm pretty sure these trophies speak for themselves. However we have just lost some third years from last year so that's why we're here looking for some new players."
"I want to check this club out but I'm not sure if I'd decide to stay."
"That's perfectly fine, there are only ability reviews for tomorrow so if you don't like it that's alright." Miss Min said with a smile
"So can I sign up then?"
After the girl named Lia left, (Y/n) leaned back in his chair and picked up a football which was on the floor beside him, he began to spin it on his pointer finger and put the ball balancing on the tip of his nose with his face facing upwards.
"Why are you like this?" Miss Min asked
"What do you mean?"
"Why are you acting so childish, look at you your attention span lasted less than ten seconds back then speaking to that girl."
"Because none of the candidates thus far have the thing I'm looking for."
"You said it yourself last year, only very few people actually have it so why are you so picky about it this year as if you have tens of thousands of people with it."
"My point is that if we get people who have it this year then they can lead the team when we're gone, Jihyo would've done the exact same thing but with captains."

(Y/n) stood up and dropped the ball and caught it in between his legs, he began to do a few kick ups and flashy skills until a pair of students arrived at the sign up desk.
"Those are some nice tricks, can I try?" One of them asked
(Y/n) flicked the ball up the the student who caught it in her hands, she then began to do the same moves (Y/n) did with perfect replication. She then passed the ball back to (Y/n) who smirked
"What are your names?" He asked
"I'm Ryujin, and this is Chaeryeong. We both played for the same school last year."
"Interesting, so you've played in a team before? Which school?"
"Dobong West Middle School."
(Y/n) burst out with laughter, the others stared at him with confusion
"What's so funny?" Chaeryeong asked
"You guys played for the worst team in Dobong."
"What are you talking about, we're literally in the top four schools every year!"
"Oh I see what the problem is now." Miss Min sighed and face palmed
"What is it?"
"(Y/n) here played for Dobong Elite, you're crosstown rivals if I'm not mistaken."
"That would explain it."

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