Part 17: Passion -Smut-

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"What are you talking about, are you even sure you saw what you think you did?"
"Jihyo trust me, it's exactly as I saw it. But what could this mean for us and why is he doing this now?" Nayeon asked
The two were walking through the car park after the meeting about their next opponents, Nayeon was desperately trying to make sense of the situation they were in.
"I don't know, I have you told anyone else?"
"No, you're the first to know."
"Even if what you're saying is right, he'd have to go to... America..."
Realisation hit Jihyo like a truck as she put two and two together, connecting two puzzle pieces.
"Jihyo what is it?"
"Get in my car I'll tell you on the way."

Whilst Jihyo was driving, Nayeon was on her phone looking at the same web page that was on (Y/n)'s laptop.
"Right, so what else can you get from the website?" Jihyo asked as she turned onto the motorway
"All it says is stuff about surgeries."
"That doesn't really help, but to make some sense of it we need to speak to someone who was with him in America."
The rest of the drive was bland and uneventful, there was an awkward silence between the pair of centre backs, Jihyo parked the car outside of a small Café and unclipped her seatbelt
"We're here." She said
"Where is here exactly?" Nayeon asked
"Just follow me."

The two went into the café and Jihyo spotted who she was looking for at a certain table, she marched over and stood next to the table.
"Sunghoon we need to talk." She said
"Uh Jihyo, do you mind? I've got-"
"Who's this?" A woman said, she was sitting across from Sunghoon
"Sorry she's a friend from work."
"Sunghoon it's serious, something's wrong."
"Can't it wait?"
The next he knew he was being dragged behind Jihyo by his collar
"I'm so sorry about this, you have my number so just shoot me a text sometime, it'd be nice to meet you again!" He called out to the woman
Jihyo dragged Sunghoon to her car and threw him into the back seats before getting into the driver's seat, with Nayeon getting back into the passenger seat.
"Ok will you tell me what this is all about now?" Sunghoon asked

"We need to talk to you about (Y/n)." Nayeon said
"Seriously, you interrupt my date to ask me about a guy that you grew up with?"
"Just listen for a second, jeez." Jihyo rolled her eyes
"Ok what do you want to ask?"
"When you were in America with him, did he ever mention anything about why he was there? Or did you ever go to Philadelphia with him?"
"Hmm, now I think about it he didn't actually tell me why he was in America, just changed the subject. But going to Philadelphia is something you're gonna have to ask Jasper instead."
"Yeah didn't we tell you? He was there with us."
"Oh right, I thought I heard Yeji say something about that." Nayeon said
"Well I guess we're going to visit Jasper then." Jihyo sighed

"(Y/n)..." Sana said, walking down the stadium corridor with her manager beside her.
"Yeah?" He responded
"Do you think their players have improved since we played them last?"
"The answer will always be a yes, but 'how much' is the real question. Like think about it, what if our attacks that we used to beat them last time don't work now, that's why I make tactics."
"Teach me."
"I mean, can you....teach me how to make different tactics.....please?" Sana asked
(Y/n) had a real look of surprise, never did he expect any of the girls to ask him about tactics, especially Sana who always believed in luck.

"Wait, let me get this straight. You want me to teach you about making tactics?"
"That's what I said, I know it's weird but trust me. I'm different since you left."
"Really? Just in the way you see football or-"
"I've changed in other ways too..." Sana said, looking away from (Y/n) and going red in the cheeks
"Oh? Lemme guess, you got shorter?"
"Wha- I did not! Idiot!"
"I'm kidding, or maybe you actually did get shorter."
"I will kick you!"
"Ok ok, I'm kidding. But sure I'll teach you how to make tactics." (Y/n) smiled
"You will?"
"Yeah it'll be fun, when do you want to do it?"
"How about now? We can go to my place since it's quieter there, you know what I'm like with learning in loud places."
"You still haven't gotten over that since school huh?"
"Nope." Sana laughed nervously
"Ok then, let's do tactics now. Did you drive here?"
"No, I got the bus."
"Great, then you can come on my bike with me then."
"Perfect!" Sana cheered
"One problem though..."
"What's that?"
"Where do you live?"
"...with my parents." Sana mumbles in embarrassment
"Oh that's a relief, at least I know where to drive now." (Y/n) chuckles

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