Part 22: Confessions

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"Hey (Y/n), wake up!" Chaeyoung called from outside the room
(Y/n) yawned as he stretched his back and shoulders, whilst trying to stretch his arms he felt something heavy resting on top of his right arm. He knew that whatever it was, was really warm and soft, he opened his eyes and looked across his bed but whatever was next to him was covered by the quilt.
"You awake in there?" Chaeyoung asked
"Yeah, I'm awake."
(Y/n) pulled the quilt back slightly and then he saw Nayeon's head resting on a pillow, he tried to get his arm out from under her but it didn't work and Nayeon wouldn't budge.
(Y/n) decided to use his other hand to somewhat gently push Nayeon off of his arm so he could lift it out.

"Hurry up." Chae called out
"Give me a minute." Y/n called back, finally getting free of Nayeon, before throwing the quilt back over her to cover her completely
Y/n gets out of his pyjamas and starts putting on a pair of jeans before Chae opens the door and enters regardless of Y/n's request

So... here he was, shirtless, with a messy bed behind him, and a quilt positioned oddly, as if something was still under it
"What are you hiding?"
"What are you talking about?" Y/n responded
"Something isn't right..." Chaeyoung squinted at him suspiciously
That's when the bed rustled, and the quilt moved slightly, with brief noises coming from it.
"Is that what I think-"
"No, it's nothing."
"Well it looks to me like you've got a girl-"
"It's not like that, I don't have a-"
"Y/n? What time is it?" Nayeon sat up, the quilt dropping from over her face and she rubbed her eyes and yawned

"Nayeon!?" Chae didn't know what to say
"Look, Chae, I can explain-"
"Don't worry, it's not my business what you do with your love life."
"You've got it all wrong, we were watching movies together."
"In the same bed..."
"No, not at first anyway," Nayeon explained "the room was cold, so I went under the covers, Y/n tried to leave but I made him stay... I was only supposed to leave ten minutes after but I must've fell asleep in that time."

Chaeyoung sighed before leaving the room, Y/n finished getting dressed and Nayeon went out to the kitchen.
"Could it get any more complicated...?" Y/n quietly asked himself
Chae didn't say a word for the rest of the morning, in fact Y/n couldn't tell if she had even looked at him since then.

When everyone got to training, Y/n sighed and set everyone up with their own drills, not wanting to make things more awkward as they already were with Chae, he just spoke to them as whole groups instead of individually.
Everyone was halfway through their drills and Y/n was overseeing some tactical plans with Miss Min when he was struck in the head with a ball
"You ok?" Miss Min asked
"Yeah... I'm good." Y/n looked around to see who did it, and unsurprisingly he could tell it was Chaeyoung.
He picked up the ball and threw it to Dahyun who was practicing with Chaeyoung, before sighing once more and leaving.

Y/n was sat in his office, head in his hands whilst his arms rested on his desk. Two knocks at the door followed despite Y/n not responding with a 'come in' soon enough.
"Alright, what's wrong?" Miss Min asked
"Severe headache it seems."
"Do you mean literally or do you mean Chaeyoung?"
"Chae obviously."
"What happened? She wasn't like this yesterday."
"What happened was she saw me and Nayeon in bed this morning."
"Did you sleep together?"
"No! And that's the problem! Chae is so convinced that we did that she didn't believe anything we told her. I have no idea what to do or how to handle anything."
"Well, not addressing the problem isn't going to solve it."
"So what do you suggest?"
"Make it clear, not in front of the team. Just one on one, you and her. Remember it was you who said you'd treat them equally."

After training was over, Y/n dismissed everyone, everyone except Chaeyoung.
So it was just the two of them, standing out on the pitch, as the setting sun created an orange sky above them.
"Make it quick." She rolled her eyes
"I'm sorry, I should've told you, made it clearer. I know there are supposed to be boundaries at times, but keeping things like this from you isn't going to get us anywhere. There was nothing going on between me and Nayeon, we just hung out together that day, I understand if you felt angry about it..."
Chae started to walk over to Y/n, but instead of stopping in front of him, she just walked past him, Y/n turned around and grabbed her hand, that's when she snapped.
"Why would I be angry!? Huh!? Why!? What business do I have when it comes to who you spend your time with!? If you think you mean that much to me, you're severely mistaken!"

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