Part 6: Table for five, dinner for two

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"Hey, (Y/n) I need your help tonight." Sunghoon said
"What is it?"
"My father is back in town, he wants to go to dinner at this high end restaurant and I need to show him my quote unquote responsible friends."
"Why not any of your regular friends?"
"I said responsible."
"Ah right, well there's only one of me so am I going to be enough?"
"Unfortunately not, do you have anyone you can bring? Your friends, Yeji maybe? I'm looking for around four, five people."
"I'll ask them but I don't know, some are really picky about restaurants."
"It's the really expensive one, the Hoth."
"The Hoth? That's a terrible name, where'd it come from?"

"Some guy in the UK, but I heard one of their chefs are around our age and they have a great reputation there, so what do you say?"
"Wait, a chef about our age? What's their name?"
"Hiray, no wait, Hirai Momo. Something along those lines."
"Really!? I'll go, let me contact the others to see if they can come."
"Thank you so much, you're the man!"

(Y/n) got his phone out and texted Nayeon

(Y/n) got his phone out and texted Nayeon

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Now with everything in place for the evening, there was one last thing to do according to Sunghoon

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Now with everything in place for the evening, there was one last thing to do according to Sunghoon.

He wouldn't exactly tell (Y/n) what it was, instead deciding to just drag him out of the apartment and drove him to the expensive side of town where all the premium shops were.
"What are we doing here?" (Y/n) asked as the pair got out of Sunghoon's car
(Y/n) looked in front of him to see a barber shop, however this one was where all the rich people would go.
"We need to get you ready for tonight, no offence you look like you've been on a twelve hour flight with the only sleep you had being on the train after the flight."
"Why do you have to be so accurate, just tell me I'm ugly and I'll be convinced." (Y/n) rolled his eyes

Sunghoon and (Y/n) entered the barber shop and the guy there greeted the pair
"Welcome, Sunghoon back already? Take a seat and I'll give you your usual."
"Thanks Dosan but I'm not here for my hair today, instead my friend here is in desperate need of a makeover."
"A friend? Is this your roommate you were telling me about?"
"Yep that's him, and we're going to dinner with my father this evening so I just want to make sure he looks the part."
"Ok, I'm picking up what you're putting down. So what cut would your friend like?"
"Well I don't know, anything to make me look good I hope." (Y/n) responded
"I can do that, all I need is time and patience."

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